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Alcoholic Beverages Company Investment Opportunity in Yucca Valley, United States

Manufacturer of alcoholic and non-alcoholic craft beverages and plans to sell to wholesalers, direct consumers.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Alcoholic Beverages + 1 more
Locations  Yucca Valley
Local Time 6:02 PM America / Chicago
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1 million for 45.0% stake (Native Currency: USD 1,000,000)
Reason: Capital raised will be used to develop already-owned commercial real estate in Joshua Tree, CA to ho... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 202 thousand
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Business Plan
COVID-19 Addendum
Sales Forecast
Profit and Loss
Balance Sheet
Site Plan
Floor Plan
Section Drawings
Proposed Location
Bottle Design
Brand Hoodie
TTB Basic Permit
Business Overview
- This is a real-estate development opportunity in Joshua Tree, CA. Our capital raise will be used to develop our manufacturing facility and a full-service bar and restaurant.
- In the last year, we've built meaningful relationships with local and national professional associations, raised over $300K of capital, placed our sanitizer products in 8 local retailers and over 10 Airbnb’s, gained over 1,100 new followers on Instagram, signed up over 100 contacts to our email list, been nominated as one of the year’s best new craft distilleries by USA Today, been featured on the local radio satiation (z1077), and interviewed by Voyage LA Magazine.
- We’ve also secured our federal and state distilling licensure, filed for several brand marks, acquired and installed over $50K in specialized equipment, warehoused thousands of pounds of raw materials and tens of thousands of units of other essential inputs, secured relationships with essential vendors for competitive prices, finalized product formulas and production methods. We also conducted internal product testing that showed a statistically significant preference for our vodka over the control product (Absolut Vodka®) with 54 volunteer blind taste testers. We are currently testing our gin with the same group.
- We have developed gin and vodka as of now and more drinks are in the process.
- Will launch sales in the next 3 months.
- Will sell direct to consumers, and to distributors and wholesalers.
- This region is a rapidly growing tourist destination and commuter/vacation town serving the Los Angeles, CA and San Diego, CA metro areas. The national park sees nearly 3 million visitors annually and has a severe shortage of dining options. Based on data from the United States Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Joshua Tree, CA has fewer eating and drinking establishments per annual population than its surrounding county (San Bernardino, CA), state (California, USA), and the nation as a whole (USA). In addition, when considering seasonal visitors, Joshua Tree, CA has far fewer eating and drinking establishments than comparable cities. Joshua Tree, CA has three times (3x) fewer eating and drinking establishments than Mammoth Lakes, CA; eight times (8x) fewer than Sedona, AZ; sixty-eight times (68x) fewer than Bishop, CA; and over one hundred times (>100x) fewer eating and drinking establishments per seasonal population than Truckee, CA (i. e. Lake Tahoe) or Taos, NM. This presents a windfall opportunity for new local craft food and beverage brands, especially those with on-premises dining.
Products & Services Overview
Alcoholic beverages: Dark sky gin; black hole vodka; prickly pear brandy (in development); agave spirits (in development); rye whisky (in development).
Non-alcoholic beverages: Scorpion ginger ale; prickly pear soda; bubble sparkling water (additional sparkling water flavours in development).
Sidelines: Botanical gin infusion kits; Joshua Tree national park apparel and souvenirs; apparel and accessories; hand sanitiser.
Services: Guided facility tours and tasting; contract alcohol manufacturing.
Assets Overview
Building in progress = $14,188.
Furniture and equipment = $68,494.
Land = $105,965.
Leasehold improvements = $13,580.
Total fixed assets = $202,227.
Facilities Overview
We currently lease a 1,000 sq ft light industrial warehouse at a price of $600 per month with some utilities (i. e. water) included. We have an additional 1-year lease option available. We plan to build a permanent facility on business-owned land Joshua Tree, CA with raised capital and move production to the new facility when it's completed.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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