Ecommerce Website for Sale in San José, Costa Rica
Established | 1-5 year(s) |
Employees | < 2 |
Legal Entity | Other |
Reported Sales | Nil |
Run Rate Sales | Nil |
EBITDA Margin | Nil |
Industries | Ecommerce Websites |
Locations | San José |
Local Time | 6:04 PM America / Costa Rica |
Listed By | Management Member |
Status | Active |
- The website receives 1,500+ unique visitors every month without any marketing.
- Website and logo have been developed by the owner.
- The brand and logo are not registered yet, so a trademark can be obtained in any country.
- The domain is paid for and valid for two years.
- Logo, brand name, and domain are attractive, playful, easy to remember and will be highly useful for a new restaurant, franchise, or food delivery service.
- Buyer will get ownership of the website, domain, brand, and logo.
Earlier than 15 daysSenior Consultant, Professional Services, Toronto, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business