8.1 / 10

5 Android finance apps on Google Play Store with 2 apps having 100k+ downloads each.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 6.5 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 40 %
Industries Financial Information
Locations  Pune
Business Overview
- 5 Android applications on the Google Play Store with Google AdMob ads.
- These apps are with a focus on finance & market education and analysis.
- All 5 applications are under the same entity.
- Two of the apps are particularly most successful, each with over 100,000 downloads and generating 90% of the company's revenue.
- The remaining applications have a smaller user base, with download figures ranging from approximately 1,000 to 5,000.
- The apps have received favorable ratings, averaging between 4.0 and 4.1.
- The company's revenue is primarily generated through in-app admob advertisements.
Products & Services Overview
Android applications on Google Play Store with Google Admob ads.
Focused on finance & market education and analysis.
Current revenue is through in-app admob advertisements.
Capitalization Overview
Business is funded by the owner. The business does not have any outstanding loans or liabilities. It is sole proprietorship business.
Assets Overview
No physical assets are included in the transaction. Intangible assets include applications and rights.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 16 thousand (Native Currency: INR 1,350,000)
Reason: The owner wants to sell the applications as he needs funds for investing into other projects.
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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