Furniture Company Investment Opportunity in Jodhpur, India
Established | 20-30 year(s) |
Employees | 100 - 500 |
Legal Entity | Public Limited Company |
Reported Sales | USD 6 - 7 million |
Run Rate Sales | USD 7.5 million |
EBITDA Margin | 20 - 30 % |
Industries | Furniture |
Locations | Jodhpur |
Local Time | 5:45 PM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- We produce furniture and home decoration items.
- Have 3 company owned manufacturing units in Jodhpur.
- Our products include home furnishing items such as tables, chairs, home decoration products.
- The recycled products and wastes are purchased from auctions that take place regularly throughout the country. We purchase them in bulk.
- 99% of our revenue is through exports to European countries and USA.
- We also sell products locally through Amazon.
- Our company is extremely valuable due to our vast client database, and industry generated goodwill. The valuation is based on our own estimate.
Earlier than 15 daysPrincipal, Thane, Financial Consultant connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysDirector, Professional Services, New Delhi, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysMD & CEO, Risk Management, Mumbai, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business