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Health Food Store for Sale in Mumbai, India

For Sale - Digital-first healthy snacks brand, with a unique offline model (franchise-friendly)

Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 810 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 790 thousand
EBITDA Margin 0 - 10 %
Industries Health Food Stores + 1 more
Locations  Mumbai
Local Time 5:48 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Management Member
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1.2 million (Native Currency: INR 100,000,000)
Reason: We wouldn't like to totally exit the business, would like to be a part of the upside. Open up to 80%... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 36 thousand
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Business Overview
- This business is located in Mumbai.
- Achieved an AOV of INR 1150 vs industry average of INR 400 on own website.
- Invented a unique offline distribution channel that is franchise-friendly.
- Active supply contracts with companies like Amex, LinkedIn, Bain Capital, Torrent Pharma, Taj Hotels, Trident, Marriott & 24 such companies.
- Revenue of INR 68 Mn with gross margins of ~60%.
- Business has INR 25 lakh refundable deposit from all stores.
Products & Services Overview
We majorly sell millet chips, millet puffs, and nuts.
Main channels:
Own website, online marketplaces, own stores, office snacking, and HORECA.
Assets Overview
Tangible Assets.
1. Inventory: Stock of products.
2. Packaging equipment and materials: machines and supplies used for packaging products.
3. Physical Stores: Infrastructure and fixtures in the 7 store setups.
4. Own Website: The website's code, server assets, and domain.
5. Refundable Deposits: INR 25 lakh from all stores, contributing to cash assets.
6. Contracts: Active supply contracts with notable corporations.
7. Office Equipment: Laptop, Desktop, Commercial Printers.
Intangible Assets.
1. Brand Value: Established as a digital-first healthy snack brand with a unique offline model.
2. Customer Base: Over 1,00,000+ direct customers and business relationships with corporations.
3. Digital Assets: Matured Facebook and Google advertising accounts and a strong social media following of over 60 K.
4. Intellectual Property: All patents, trademarks, or copyrights related to the brand.
5. Data and Analytics: Intelligence gathered from website traffic, consumer behavior, and sales metrics.
6. Reputation: Established relationships with high-profile corporations and a higher-than-average AOV (Average Order Value) suggest a strong market position.
7. Skilled Workforce: Trained employees who understand the business model and operations.
8. Supply Contracts: ongoing deals with HORECA and other corporations add long-term value.
9. Listing agreements: 65 ready listings on BigBasket and nature basket with an option to add up to 100 more listings without any listing fees.
Facilities Overview
Rented 1,000 sq ft facility in Mumbai city.
Capitalization Overview
Business has no liability and are funded with own money.
Business has 2 directors from the same family with majority stake. Business also has 4 investors with minor stakes.
Recent Activity
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