6.2 / 10
 Santa Marta

Hotel in Santa Marta with 25 rooms and equipped with restaurant, bar, pool, and parking.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 262 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 20 %
Industries Hotels
Locations  Santa Marta
Business Overview
- The hotel is located in Santa Marta, a popular tourist destination.
- The property encompasses a 1,000 sq m spread with 3 storey building, an additional 400 sq m is available for potential future expansion.
- Offering 25 rooms with various configurations including double, triple, quadruple, and cubicle variants.
- Amenities include a restaurant with 30 seating capacity, a bar with 40 seating capacity, an outdoor pool, and private parking for up to 10 cars.
- Its close proximity, just 100m away from the beach, provides an added advantage in terms of attracting beach-loving tourists and holidaymakers.
- The business exhibits a 40% occupancy rate for the majority of the year, with January being the peak season, during which it achieves almost full occupancy.
- Business has an RNT license and registration with the Chamber of Commerce.
Products & Services Overview
Hotel with 25 rooms with various configurations including double, triple, quadruple, and cubicle variants.
Additional amenities include restaurant, a bar, an outdoor pool, and private parking,
Peak season is during January.
Capitalization Overview
Business is self-funded. No outstanding loans or liabilities. There are 2 shareholders in the business.
Assets Overview
Physical assets include property, furniture and fixtures.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1.4 million (Native Currency: USD 1,440,573)
Reason: The owners are exiting this business as they are seeking to invest in the construction of other prop... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 131 thousand
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