Hydropower Plant Investment Opportunity in Raigarh, India
Established | 10-20 year(s) |
Employees | 2 - 5 |
Legal Entity | Private Limited Company |
Reported Sales | Nil |
Run Rate Sales | Nil |
EBITDA Margin | Nil |
Industries | Hydropower Plants |
Locations | Hyderabad + 1 more |
Local Time | 6:01 PM Asia / Kolkata |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Moderately Active |
- The promoter for this project has 15+ years of experience in this industry.
- State government of Chhattisgarh has allotted this project on a boot basis for 30 years, which is extendable by the promoter's choice for another 20 years.
- All statutory and non-statutory permissions have been obtained. The water allotment is completed as well.
- Land acquisition is in the final stages. The state government is acquiring the required land and will be registered in the company's favour for which social impact assessment study is done.
- Paper notifications in leading newspapers and gazette publications are also completed.
- The government has already issued a letter to the company for the payment of part of the land cost, to complete the land acquisition on a priority basis.
-100% of the power generated by the project will be solely purchased by the state government and the government has already issued a letter to the company for signing the PPA.
- The project has a very attractive tariff. At present, the tariff announced by the state regulatory commission is at the rate of 6.54 which is likely to be increased in the coming years.
- The total project cost is INR 62.42 crores out of which 70% is debt funding and 30% is equity.
- Our plan is to complete the project within 36 months.
- Company is looking for an investment and is open to various mutually agreed options.
- Our company is registered in Hyderabad but this project is in Raigarh.
- Statutory payments for SIA, PPA, water allotment fee have been paid.
Earlier than 15 daysManaging Director, Electrical Equipment Manufacturer, Chittoor, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysManaging Director, Power, New Delhi, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysDirector, Mumbai, M&A Advisor connected with the Business