7.1 / 10

Company provides IELTS and English courses for 7,000+ students is looking to start new branches.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 43 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 30 %
Industries Language Centers
Locations  Kochi
Business Overview
- Company provides courses for IELTS, English speaking and writing, and public speaking.
- Have 3 branches in Kerala and have trained over 7,000 students since inception. We also have 2 franchised centers in Kerala.
- Currently, we have a total of 200+ active students at all our centers, and our programs are for a duration of 3-6 months.
- Have 20 part-time trainers with a minimum experience of 6 years.
- Also have 5 full-time staff who manage day-to-day operations of the business.
- We have partnered with Government for training candidates under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) program and are looking to set up more branches in Kerala.
- We have also partnered with a German institute to provide German learning courses.
- Promoter has over 10 years of industry experience.
- Business-owned assets include 30 computers and interior furnishings.
Products & Services Overview
IELTS, English speaking and writing, public speaking, OET, PTE, and German.
Capitalization Overview
We have been funded from our own profits and a term loan which will be ending soon and has an outstanding amount of less than INR 1 lakh.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets - Computers, chairs, office furniture, furnishings, and fittings. Intangible assets - Team experience and certifications.
Seeking Loan
USD 24 thousand for 13.0% annual interest, 10 years (Native Currency: INR 2,000,000)
Reason: Seeking funds for setting up 5 new branches and for marketing.
Collateral Available: USD 0
Includes physical assets worth USD 24 thousand
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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