Law Firm Investment Opportunity in Central Jakarta, Indonesia
Established | 5-10 year(s) |
Employees | 10 - 50 |
Legal Entity | Limited Liability Company (LLC) |
Reported Sales | USD 130 thousand |
Run Rate Sales | USD 55 thousand |
EBITDA Margin | 30 % |
Industries | Law Firms |
Locations | Central Jakarta |
Local Time | 7:09 AM Asia / Pontianak |
Listed By | Business Owner / Director |
Status | Active |
- Until today we have served no less than a hundred clients and companies.
- 60% of our clients are individuals and 40% are corporate.
- We work with clients on a case to case basis.
- All our clients are from Indonesia.
- We have several awards and recognitions from clients or third party award committees.
- Company has experienced and well-knowledgeable staff.
- There are 3 shareholders in the business with one having 90% of the shares and the rest having 10%. Business is debt-free.
- The revenue of the business has been affected due to a fall in the number of clients that we cater to.
Earlier than 15 daysCEO, Globally Integrated Company, Kuta, Corporate Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysChairman And CEO, Polymer Products Manufacturer, Cap-Pelé, Individual Investor / Buyer connected with the Business
Earlier than 15 daysManaging Partner, Abu Dhabi, Financial Consultant connected with the Business