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Android application for college students that has 45,000 downloads and around 25,000 monthly active users.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales NA
EBIDTA Margin Undisclosed
Industries Mobile Apps
Locations  Kerala
Assets Description
- Looking to sell a mobile application meant for college students from a university located in Kerala.
- The application has over 60,000 downloads and around 30,000 monthly active users.
- The app is for the students and teachers of a particular university in Kerala.
- There are notes, presentations, videos, and worksheets uploaded for students to access.
- The app generates revenue from ads between Rs. 10k to Rs. 20k.
- Buyer could in the future add in-app purchases, and can further expand the application to other universities.
- Sale would include the entire application.
- The business is a sole proprietorship and does not have any outstanding liabilities or debt.
Asset Sale
Asking Price: USD 7 thousand (Native Currency: INR 600,000)
Reason: Owner is not getting enough time to manage the application.
Interested to connect with advisors
In talks with 3 Investors
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