6.9 / 10
 Coeur d'Alene

Real estate tech company that uses big data and AI to predict revenue.

Key Business Facts
Yearly Sales USD 42 thousand
EBIDTA Margin 40 %
Industries Real Estate Rental
Locations  Coeur d'Alene
Business Overview
-We have over 4.9 million US rental property records in the USA.
- Over 110 Million US property records.
- All properties sold in the USA in the last 3 years.
- AI revenue prediction software.
- Web scrapers (totalling 10 across various platforms, which run on automated schedules)
Products & Services Overview
We offer AI-powered revenue projections for short-term and long-term properties in the USA. We also sell enterprise-level data for every single market in the USA.
Our top offerings are:
- Rental & Airbnb Revenue Projections.
- Enterprise-level data sales (API)
- White label data portals.
- New AI-powered, feature & amenities revenue variance modeling.
Capitalization Overview
Business has been mostly bootstrapped with some loans from friends and family. The company has no financial obligations outstanding, everything is on a personal level.
Assets Overview
Multiple databases & fully custom website online.
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 125 thousand (Native Currency: USD 125,000)
Reason: New opportunity has presented itself, that is better for my family.
In talks with 2 Investors
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