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Businesses for Sale in Ostroleka

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Businesses for Sale in Ostroleka. Buy a Business in Ostroleka.

  • Ostroleka

  • Businesses For Sale


Photography Business for Sale in Ostroleka, Poland

Photography studio located in a well known shopping mall in Ostroleka, Poland, receiving 5-10 daily customers.
We provide photography services such as photographic prints, ID photos, large prints, canvas, photo books. - Our studio is fully equipped and attracts a lot of customers since we are situated in a well known shopping mall. - We also do photoshoot for weddings, birthday parties and fashion related activities. - Studio has three working areas for photoshoots, makeup space, Christmas and children photography props, backgrounds, lights. - At present, this studio is run by the owner and one employee. - Walk in clients for Studio shoots on daily basis is about 5-10. - Have completed more than 200 shoots till date. - Our assets include license, lighting equipment, furniture and cameras.
Photography studio located in a well known shopping mall in Ostroleka, Poland, receiving 5-10 daily customers.
5.7   Ostroleka
Run Rate Sales
USD 8.8 thousand
16 %
Business for Sale
USD 7.4 K
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Cosmetics Company for Sale in Poland

For sale: Producer and seller of beauty products to salons all over Europe.
Cosmetic manufacturer and reseller that provides beauty products for the salon industry across Europe. - Have an extensive distributor network across Europe and exclusive rights from an American company to sell their products in Poland. - We have a total of 16 product lines out of which 10 are manufactured by us and 6 are of other brands. - Have trademarks for our product lines. - Our online store receives 1,000 visitors every day but has a low conversion rate. - Daily clientele of 30-40 salons. - The pandemic-induced lockdown led to the closure of beauty salons across Europe which led to a major drop in our sales. - The business has all the necessary approvals and licenses for cosmetics production and sales. - The business is fully operational and we would highly prefer a buyer from outside of Poland. - The owner has 3 decades of experience in this field.
9.6   Poland
Run Rate Sales
USD 880 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 7.2 Mn
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Cosmetics Company for Sale in Poland

For sale: Producer and seller of beauty products to salons all over Europe.
Cosmetic manufacturer and reseller that provides beauty products for the salon industry across Europe. - Have an extensive distributor network across Europe and exclusive rights from an American company to sell their products in Poland. - We have a total of 16 product lines out of which 10 are manufactured by us and 6 are of other brands. - Have trademarks for our product lines. - Our online store receives 1,000 visitors every day but has a low conversion rate. - Daily clientele of 30-40 salons. - The pandemic-induced lockdown led to the closure of beauty salons across Europe which led to a major drop in our sales. - The business has all the necessary approvals and licenses for cosmetics production and sales. - The business is fully operational and we would highly prefer a buyer from outside of Poland. - The owner has 3 decades of experience in this field.
9.6   Poland
Run Rate Sales
USD 880 thousand
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 7.2 Mn
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  • How many businesses for sale in Ostroleka are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified businesses for sale in Ostroleka listed on SMERGERS as of 14 December 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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