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Businesses Seeking Loan in Coimbatore South

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Businesses Seeking Loan in Coimbatore South. Lend to a Business in Coimbatore South.

  • Coimbatore South

  • Business Loan


Household Electronics Repair Business Seeking Loan in Coimbatore South, India

Coimbatore based electronic repair and service provider receiving 50 orders per month.
We repair and provide service work for mobiles, laptops, home electronic appliances, TVs, ACs. - Customers place orders with us through our website. We then pick up the electronic device, take it to our service center and once repaired, deliver it back to the customer. - We do not have a physical service center where customers can walk in. All orders are placed through the website. - Receive an average of 50 orders per month. - Operations began at the end of last year, hence we did not generate any revenue for the previous year. - Physical assets include two-wheelers and equipment.
6.8   Coimbatore South
Run Rate Sales
USD 8.5 thousand
30 %
Business Loan
USD 118 K at 12%
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Real Estate Construction Business Seeking Loan in Tamil Nadu, India

Real estate construction company with 10+ years of experience seeks loan against property.
Company is involved in the construction of commercial and residential properties across Tamil Nadu. - Seeking funds for a new project. - Completed 10 projects to date. - Promoters bring 10 years of experience to the company. - Revenue, profit margin, and facility details available upon request after introduction.
8.3   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
Business Loan
USD 3.54 Mn at 12%
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Medical Supplies Business Seeking Loan in Tamil Nadu, India

Manufacturer of of surgical gauze and bandage cloth with production of 5-6 lakh meters monthly.
We are a manufacturer of medical gauze and medical cloth. - Company has been operational for over 8 years and has developed a good reputation with clients. - We sell directly to more than 86 hospitals within Tamil Nadu. - Have agents through whom we sell in other states pan India. We have more than 30-40 agents. - Per month we can supply around 5-6 lakh meters of gauze and bandage cloth. - We have around INR 6 crore worth of annual orders but we are unable to meet this due to our capacity.
6.9   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
USD 283 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 236 K at 5%
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Medical Supplies Business Seeking Loan in Tamil Nadu, India

Manufacturer of of surgical gauze and bandage cloth with production of 5-6 lakh meters monthly.
We are a manufacturer of medical gauze and medical cloth. - Company has been operational for over 8 years and has developed a good reputation with clients. - We sell directly to more than 86 hospitals within Tamil Nadu. - Have agents through whom we sell in other states pan India. We have more than 30-40 agents. - Per month we can supply around 5-6 lakh meters of gauze and bandage cloth. - We have around INR 6 crore worth of annual orders but we are unable to meet this due to our capacity.
6.9   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
USD 283 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 236 K at 5%
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Solar Products Company Seeking Loan in Tamil Nadu, India

Company designing and developing solar power plant projects seeks loan for projects in hand.
Business started 8 years ago and was registered as a private limited company 3 years ago. - Company has 1 store room 3 offices in different parts of Tamil Nadu. - We design, develop, install, repair and maintain solar projects, solar water pumps for residential and commercial purpose. - Have 10 product suppliers for different types of solar products. - Completed over 100 small to big projects till date including commercial and residential projects. - Promoter has 10 years of experience in this industry. - Business owns a website, product inventory, 3 vehicles, equipment and tools.
Company designing and developing solar power plant projects seeks loan for projects in hand.
7.8   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
USD 480 thousand
15 %
Business Loan
USD 295 K at 12%
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Residential Real Estate Construction Company Seeking Loan in Madurai, India

Chennai residential real estate developers searching for a loan to complete a project in Madurai.
Residential real estate project in the heart of Madurai. - One building with 16 units out of which 8 units have been sold. - 50%-60% has been completed and investment is required to complete the project. - More than 25 years experience in this field.
Chennai residential real estate developers searching for a loan to complete a project in Madurai.
8.1   Tamil Nadu
Run Rate Sales
USD 283 thousand
20 %
Business Loan
USD 236 K at 17%
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  • How many businesses seeking loan in Coimbatore South are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 5 active and verified businesses seeking loan in Coimbatore South listed on SMERGERS as of 13 December 2024.
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