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Businesses Seeking Loan in Khargone

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Businesses Seeking Loan in Khargone. Lend to a Business in Khargone.

  • Khargone

  • Business Loan


Ice Cream Parlor Seeking Loan in Khargone, India

Food cart based ice-cream parlour selling 30+ flavours of ice-creams, located near hotels & college.
It's a food cart based ice-cream parlour located in a commercial cum residential area. There are commercial establishments nearby offering us visibility and high customer footfall. On a daily basis, we serve 40+ customers. All the ice-creams are produced at our food cart. We produce and sell 30+ flavours of ice-creams. The cart is well equipped with machinery. Seeking funds to buy 3 additional machines. Business owned assets include machinery, food cart and tools.
6.4   Khargone
Run Rate Sales
USD 7.1 thousand
20 %
Business Loan
USD 11.8 K at 11%
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Pet Shop Seeking Loan in Madhya Pradesh, India

Pet shop business with an owned kernel wants funds to expand operations.
Business with a pet shop that sells food, medicine, accessories for pets and has a kernel. - The shop is located in the city and sees an average daily footfall of 30-40 customers. - We advertise our shop products through pamphlets, SEO, and social media handles. - We also receive wholesale orders for dog and fish food. - Have an owned kernel of one acre. - We need a loan to begin breeding at our kernel and increase sales.
Pet shop business with an owned kernel wants funds to expand operations.
6.6   Madhya Pradesh
Run Rate Sales
USD 7.1 thousand
40 %
Business Loan
USD 5.9 K at 10%
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ISP & Surveillance Devices Company Is Seeking Loan in Madhya Pradesh, India

ISP provider and installation of surveillance devices to clients in Madhya Pradesh is seeking startup funds.
Founder was operating a franchise ISP business from 2015 to 2017. He has now incorporated his own company to provide ISP service. - Has good clients network of 150 customers from early experience. - Seeking start up funding.
6.8   Madhya Pradesh
Run Rate Sales
Business Loan
USD 11.8 K at 10%
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ISP & Surveillance Devices Company Is Seeking Loan in Madhya Pradesh, India

ISP provider and installation of surveillance devices to clients in Madhya Pradesh is seeking startup funds.
Founder was operating a franchise ISP business from 2015 to 2017. He has now incorporated his own company to provide ISP service. - Has good clients network of 150 customers from early experience. - Seeking start up funding.
6.8   Madhya Pradesh
Run Rate Sales
Business Loan
USD 11.8 K at 10%
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Profitable Road Construction Business Seeking Loan in Madhya Pradesh, India

Road construction company in Madhya Pradesh searching for lenders.
Completed 50-60 projects till date. - This is a class C MP PWD business i. e. can do projects upto 2 cr. - All projects completed in Madhya Pradesh. - Clients are MP RES, MP PWD, MP RDC.
7.8   Madhya Pradesh
Run Rate Sales
USD 213 thousand
35 %
Business Loan
USD 47 K at 15%
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  • How many businesses seeking loan in Khargone are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 4 active and verified businesses seeking loan in Khargone listed on SMERGERS as of 13 December 2024.
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    Buying an existing business is generally an easier way to start a business with an immediate head start. It saves valuable time and administrative efforts, considering starting from scratch is …read more

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    SMERGERS is a discovery and matchmaking platform with a global reach. It helps in connecting Businesses, Investors, Acquirers, Lenders, M&A Advisors and Boutique Investment Banks across locations, industries and transactions. …read more

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