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Businesses Seeking Loan in Monticello

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Businesses Seeking Loan in Monticello. Lend to a Business in Monticello.

  • Monticello

  • Business Loan


Profitable Fabric Dyeing Company Seeking Loan in Monticello, United States

Company that creates high fashion fibre blends for fashion brands like Loro Piana seeks funds.
We are a custom worsted top maker for high-value fibre creations using repurposed commercial textile machines. Our custom yarns and thread are alive with possibilities. - From 2012 to 2017 we perfected our craft in worsted top making and developed unique blends of domestic fibres like yak, angora, etc. in combination with our domestic 18.2-micron Rambouillet wool top. - Between 2017 and 2018 we acquired from KentWool a commercial servo drafter that was innovated to become a duo blending machine so we could blend protein fibres, cellulose fibres and man-made fibres. - The blend we created of Seacell fibre (seaweed), Pearl fibre (sea shells) and faux cashmere nylon was showcased at the Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool festival in 2019 and it is a hyper allergenic fibre blend. - At our first entry at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, we introduced our blend of 14.5-micron merino and brown yak and a fibre artist spun that blend into yarn and won that year's competition for a handspun yarn. - Textile manufacturing especially worsted top making and blending required us to spend our first 5 years learning and modifying our commercial textile machines and we had previously spent 5 years before 2012 researching and engaging a textile engineer for our mill. First, we had to research, then engage a textile engineer, then receive and set up our machines, then learn by doing with 6 months of instruction from our textile engineer, and then begin the proving of our process. We created yarn from our herd of Alpacas called Chiri Cloud 80's that we made into a worsted top, 3/18 weaving yarn and handwoven scarves and shawls and we made and make domestic 18.2-micron Rambouillet wool top, yarn and handwoven scarves and shawls. - As we learned about how machines worked we discovered we could preserve the elasticity and memory of the fibres so that all our worsted tops are easy to hand spin and create smooth, even and cool yarns. - Next came creating blends of fibres that play well together. This is based on our scientific research as well as the simple rules of attraction. - In 2019 at the Rhinebeck Sheep & Wool Festival we were ready to expand into our custom processing of worsted tops to yarns and creating our own yarn lines but then Covid lockdowns hit. In order for customers (we had over 60 orders throughout the US) to see feel and work with us, we were denied the ability to have that interaction just as we had finished our proving. - Our Rambouillet top is used in a lot of our blends and it adds loft, elasticity and a cool smooth hand at a blend rate of 10% to 20% it can generate over $300k in revenue but we have other blends that others cannot make that were all sellouts. - As a micro commercial textile top making and blending mill, we are a part of a local and regional US-based textile manufacturing infrastructure. We know where the vintage commercial textile machines are and our first project, after getting reset in Florida, is a micro commercial spinning mill. - Textile processing is both a mechanical form of production and art. - We need assistance to move our mill and create a textile manufacturing infrastructure that is local, has low energy debt and can spark increased income for fibre artists and the fibre community. - The three tenets of civilization - Ag Land - Timberland - Manufacturing in the USA.
6.7   Monticello
Run Rate Sales
40 %
Business Loan
USD 300 K
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Profitable Auto Repair and Service Company Seeking Loan in Florida, United States

Automobile repair center with experienced staff, latest tools, and technology, in Florida.
• 13-year-old full-service repair center located in Florida, with 5 employees. • Services include transmission, engine swap, timing belt, brakes, and same-day repair on most vehicles. • Many fleet accounts provide regular business. • Located in a busy area with a large footfall. • Offers complete automobile repair services and has experienced and knowledgeable staff with the latest tools and technology. • We have contract based employees that work on a need basis.
Automobile repair center with experienced staff, latest tools, and technology, in Florida.
5.9   Florida
Run Rate Sales
USD 720 thousand
25 %
Business Loan
USD 90 K at 8%
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Profitable Car Dealers Company Seeking Loan in Florida, United States

Luxury high-end dealership and showroom with 60 plus cars from Florida seeks loan.
The business is a dealership of cars. - We have 60+ cars in our showroom. - Selling 25 cars a month mostly online to out-of-state buyers all over the United States. - Yearly revenue over USD 8 million dollars. - The business has over a decade of experience with a successful track record.
7.5   Florida
Run Rate Sales
USD 16.8 million
40 %
Business Loan
USD 250 K at 10%
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Profitable Car Dealers Company Seeking Loan in Florida, United States

Luxury high-end dealership and showroom with 60 plus cars from Florida seeks loan.
The business is a dealership of cars. - We have 60+ cars in our showroom. - Selling 25 cars a month mostly online to out-of-state buyers all over the United States. - Yearly revenue over USD 8 million dollars. - The business has over a decade of experience with a successful track record.
7.5   Florida
Run Rate Sales
USD 16.8 million
40 %
Business Loan
USD 250 K at 10%
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  • How many businesses seeking loan in Monticello are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified businesses seeking loan in Monticello listed on SMERGERS as of 13 December 2024.
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