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SEO Specialist
Location: JP Nagar, Bangalore · Compensation: Between 4 - 5 LPA · Experience: 2 - 6 Years in SEO

Job Description

SEO Specialist will be responsible for acquisition of large number of customers through SEO, Content marketing, Social Media and other digital mediums. Responsibilities include:
1. Managing on-page and off-page SEO for SMERGERS.com
2. Improving organic search engine performance including traffic, page ranking, click through rate and conversion rate
3. Create relevant and viral content and advertising collaterals
4. Crafting landing pages and lead-generation forms to distribute content
5. Optimizing user acquisition strategies using Google Analytics and Mixpanel reports

Desired Skillset
SEO/SEM, Content writing, Social Media Marketing, Google Analytics, Link building


1. Meticulous and attention to detail
2. Hard and smart working
3. Excellent oral and written communication skills
4. Excellent analytical, research, and presentation skills
5. Business / Finance background (Optional)

Selection Process

Round 1: Preliminary Questions
Round 2: Take home Case Study
Round 3: Face-to-face Interview

Careers @ SMERGERS

Business Analyst - Investment Banking

SEO Specialist

Creative Writer

SMERGERS is a young startup disrupting the investment banking industry by making Business Financing and M&A easily accessible to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). At SMERGERS, we believe in solving real problems and working on things which matter and make a positive difference to the world.

We are a small team working towards one big goal and we are seeking strong team members to join our family. As one of the early members of the startup, you will be part of the core team building this company. You will be exposed to various businesses, industries, technologies and investment banking concepts.

If you are ready for hard work, eager to get your hands dirty, think beyond plushy corporate jobs and learn how it’s done the startup way, you have come to the right place.