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Apparel Wholesale Business Buyers in Erode

Showing 16 - 30 of 1422 Apparel Wholesale Business Buyers in Erode. Sell your Apparel Wholesale Business.

  • Apparel Wholesale

  • Erode

  • Business Buyers

Interests: Businesses in digital payments space and financial services. Should have a good profit margin. I will be investing along with a friend. He is a businessman.
Background: Independent consultant and technology enthusiast with a vision of globally empowering organizations. I am also the CEO of an IT company and looking to grow my company overseas.
8.6 / 10
Erode + 360 more
Apparel Wholesale + 337 more
Investment Size
USD 1.2 K - 84 Mn
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Managing Director, Real Estate
Individual Buyer in Coimbatore, India
Interests: Finance, Food and Exports and Trading.
Background: Businessman looking for new opportunities in different sectors.
9 / 10
Erode + 8 more
Textiles + 22 more
Investment Size
USD 120 K - 2.4 Mn
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Global Business Development Director, Textiles
Individual Buyer in Chennai, India
Interests: Good EBITDA, growth plans, business scope, and management team. The business should be in major cities of India and in Chittagong, as I think these locations have good business opportunities.
Background: Individual investor, looking to invest in a good business.
7.3 / 10
Erode + 12 more
Apparel and Accessories + 32 more
Investment Size
USD 36 K - 1.2 Mn
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Head New Investment Initiative, Private Venture Capital
Corporate Acquirer in Chennai, India
Interests: We are looking to invest in a variety of businesses in Coimbatore and Chennai, including women's clothing, electronic equipment, ecommerce websites, internet, industrial, online marketplaces, and textiles. I am looking for companies with good financial ratios, performance, industry growth, and returns.
Background: We strive to make sound investments that will provide long-term benefits.
7 / 10
Erode + 7 more
Textiles + 32 more
Investment Size
USD 600 K - 3.6 Mn
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Founder & Director, Advertising & Performance Marketing
Individual Buyer in Coimbatore, India
Interests: I would like to know the business model and evaluate the financials.
Background: I am the director of an advertising and marketing firm. I will invest in my personal capacity.
7.2 / 10
Erode + 4 more
Textiles + 4 more
Investment Size
USD 3.6 K - 12 K
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Managing Director, Waste To Energy
Individual Buyer in Chennai, India
Interests: Company willing to sell in full. Would also be open to a partial stake.
Background: Interested to invest in conceptualized Projects and firm growth modules.
7.1 / 10
Erode + 18 more
Apparel Wholesale + 64 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 1.8 Mn
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CXO, Edutech, Startup Consulting
Individual Buyer in Chennai, India
Interests: Scalability, passion of founders, marketability are some of the key factors.
Background: I am a Venture catalyst, startup expert, mentor, and business coach.
7.5 / 10
Erode + 54 more
Textiles + 102 more
Investment Size
USD 60 K - 12 Mn
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Director, Agriculture And Construction
Individual Buyer in Coimbatore, India
Interests: Sustainable running business ventures with a clear vision and sound business plans. I am looking to invest for a clear vision stake acquisition.
Background: Director of an agriculture and a construction firm. Have over 8 years of business experience. I am looking to invest in my individual capacity.
6.4 / 10
Erode + 13 more
Textiles + 13 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 360 K
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Senior Merchandiser, Apparel
Individual Buyer in Coimbatore, India
Interests: Interested in textile, school, hotels or any good business opportunity.
Background: Over 12 years of work experience in the garment sector, based in Bengaluru.
6.6 / 10
Erode + 4 more
Textiles + 25 more
Investment Size
USD 24 K - 240 K
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Advocate, Legal Services
Individual Buyer in Namakkal, India
Interests: I am interested in investing in any profitable business. I would like to visit the company to acquire the business.
Background: I am an advocate, and smart work is my forte, which encourages me to complete the assignment within a defined timeline.
6.6 / 10
Erode + 8 more
Textiles + 33 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 240 K
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Strategy And Operations, Adtech And ECommerce
Individual Buyer in Coimbatore, India
Interests: Looking for a business with market opportunities, revenue streams, and 15% CAGR, and should be debt-free.
Background: I am a salaried employee in the IT sector. I am looking for a business with steady growth for investments.
6.9 / 10
Erode + 1 more
Apparel Wholesale + 10 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 84 K
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Owner, Electrical Services
Individual Buyer in Chennai, India
Interests: I would like to become a partner in a business with profitability, sustainability and financial stability.
Background: I am the owner of an electrical services company.
6.6 / 10
Erode + 2 more
Textiles + 23 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 36 K
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Project Manager, Engineering & Construction
Individual Buyer in Chennai, India
Interests: Willing to invest / partner in good business, franchise or dealership opportunities preferably in Chennai, Salem, or Erode.
Background: PCB designer with 14 years of experience working in MNCs, based out to Chennai.
6.8 / 10
Erode + 2 more
Textiles + 13 more
Investment Size
USD 6 K - 36 K
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Marine Consultant, Maritime
Individual Buyer in Chennai, India
Interests: Mainly planning to acquire a business which requires minimal investment. I want to start running the business in 4 to 5 months. Open to non operational businesses as long as they have a minimum market experience of 3 years.
Background: Marine engineer having an MBA in shipping and logistics. Have 9 years of work experience. I am skilled in business development, supply chain management and market research.
5.8 / 10
Erode + 3 more
Apparel and Accessories + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 360 - 6 K
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Managing Director, Renewable Energy
Individual Buyer in Coimbatore, India
Interests: Looking for business and returns.
Background: Director of a private firm since the last 3 years.
5.9 / 10
Erode + 6 more
Textiles + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 2.4 K - 43 K
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