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Specialty Retailers for Sale in North Kuta

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Specialty Retailers for Sale in North Kuta. Buy a Specialty Retailer, Florist, Craft Store, Musical Instrument Retailer, Optical Store, Pet Shop, Sport Goods Store, Toy Shop, Used Merchandise Store, Military Store, CD Shop, Newsagent, Dollar Store, Battery Store, Gifting, Movie & Book Rental or a Funeral Service Business.

  • Specialty Retailers

  • North Kuta

  • Businesses For Sale


Stationery Store for Sale in North Kuta, Indonesia

Renowned eco-friendly giftware and décor brand, offering retail and wholesale across Bali for sale.
Proudly operating three flagship stores in prime tourist locations, including one within a prestigious 5-star hotel. - Distributing eco-friendly products throughout Indonesia. - Based in Bali, with products available in the island's top retail locations. - Partnering with luxury 5-star hotels, cruise lines, yoga centers, premium delis, international schools, beach clubs, global brands, and surf shops. - Designing and creating our own exclusive product range, while also offering custom designs for clients. - Famous in Bali for our exceptional product quality and distinctive, original designs. - Enjoying a unique market position, with no direct competitors in Bali. - Fully developed online store, ready to ship our products to customers worldwide. - Stocked in over 30 premium stores, spas, and hotels across Bali. - 95% of our production is locally and sustainably sourced. - Established long-term partnerships with local suppliers, some of whom work exclusively for our brand. - Centrally located office and warehouse in a prime tourist hub, ensuring swift and responsive deliveries to both retailers and customers. - Company has a valid business registration.
Renowned eco-friendly giftware and décor brand, offering retail and wholesale across Bali for sale.
6.9   North Kuta
Run Rate Sales
USD 190 thousand
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 243 K
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Stationery Store for Sale in North Kuta, Indonesia

Renowned eco-friendly giftware and décor brand, offering retail and wholesale across Bali for sale.
Proudly operating three flagship stores in prime tourist locations, including one within a prestigious 5-star hotel. - Distributing eco-friendly products throughout Indonesia. - Based in Bali, with products available in the island's top retail locations. - Partnering with luxury 5-star hotels, cruise lines, yoga centers, premium delis, international schools, beach clubs, global brands, and surf shops. - Designing and creating our own exclusive product range, while also offering custom designs for clients. - Famous in Bali for our exceptional product quality and distinctive, original designs. - Enjoying a unique market position, with no direct competitors in Bali. - Fully developed online store, ready to ship our products to customers worldwide. - Stocked in over 30 premium stores, spas, and hotels across Bali. - 95% of our production is locally and sustainably sourced. - Established long-term partnerships with local suppliers, some of whom work exclusively for our brand. - Centrally located office and warehouse in a prime tourist hub, ensuring swift and responsive deliveries to both retailers and customers. - Company has a valid business registration.
Renowned eco-friendly giftware and décor brand, offering retail and wholesale across Bali for sale.
6.9   North Kuta
Run Rate Sales
USD 190 thousand
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 243 K
Contact Business
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