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Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunities

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunities. Invest in a Bed & Breakfast, Inn, Cottage, B & B, Country Inn or a Boutique Hotel.

  • Bed & Breakfasts

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Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunity in Mawanella, Sri Lanka

The family-run boutique hotel catering to tourists, seeking investment to enhance their customer base.
The business provides accommodation and food services to tourists, operating as a family-run enterprise where all six employees are members of the same family. - Most of the tourists visiting the Pinnawala and Mawanella areas are from Europe, drawn by cultural events and tourist attractions. - Despite recent economic crises, including the ISIS attack and the COVID-19 pandemic, operations resumed successfully six months ago. - Currently manages three fully furnished boutique accommodations with natural-style attached bathrooms and hot water facilities. - Some rooms feature living area and small kitchens, along with gardens, terraces, and dining areas. - Two additional boutiques are under construction to expand capacity. - Accommodation options include family rooms, triple bed rooms, and double bed rooms. - During peak season (mid-July to March), each boutique can accommodate between 11 to 14 guests. - Holds a restaurant license, allowing provision of dining services to guests.
The family-run boutique hotel catering to tourists, seeking investment to enhance their customer base.
6.3   Mawanella
Run Rate Sales
USD 4 thousand
30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 13.4 K for 45%
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Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunity in Gurgaon, India

Invest in a luxury villa listed on Airbnb, catering to families and corporate vacations.
1. Booking: The business relies solely on Airbnb for its bookings, indicating a successful and established presence on the platform. 2. Occupancy Rates: The current occupancy rate stands at approximately 15%, but with the addition of a pool, the business projects an increase to around 85% occupancy, highlighting a significant growth potential. 3. Seasonal Variations: The business experiences fluctuations in bookings, with 5-6 bookings per month in the summer and a substantial increase to 10-15 bookings per month in the winter due to the absence of a swimming pool. 4. Customer Demographics: The business caters to a diverse customer base, including both corporate and family guests, suggesting a broad appeal and potential for year-round bookings. 5. Accommodation Capacity: The villa offers 3 bedrooms, comfortably accommodating 6 people, with the flexibility to make adjustments to accommodate additional guests through extra beds, providing potential for increased revenue per booking.
Invest in a luxury villa listed on Airbnb, catering to families and corporate vacations.
6.4   Gurgaon
Run Rate Sales
USD 11.4 thousand
40 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 36 K for 20%
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Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunity in Camogli, Italy

Well established rooms rental business with constant activity located in Portofino Park.
The business is simple as it is a room rental activity mainly operating in spring and summer. Guests are from any country and they occupy the rooms from April to October. At the moment published on public websites; The owner actively manages the marketing activity every year. They got awards as Best Host on Airbnb and got three stars on Booking. com as a business.
Well established rooms rental business with constant activity located in Portofino Park.
6.5   Camogli
Run Rate Sales
USD 5.3 thousand
30 - 40 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 55 K for 49%
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Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunity in Camogli, Italy

Well established rooms rental business with constant activity located in Portofino Park.
The business is simple as it is a room rental activity mainly operating in spring and summer. Guests are from any country and they occupy the rooms from April to October. At the moment published on public websites; The owner actively manages the marketing activity every year. They got awards as Best Host on Airbnb and got three stars on Booking. com as a business.
Well established rooms rental business with constant activity located in Portofino Park.
6.5   Camogli
Run Rate Sales
USD 5.3 thousand
30 - 40 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 55 K for 49%
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Small Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunity in Naggar, India

Environment and pet-friendly B&B located in Naggar, Himachal Pradesh, seeking investment for expansion.
An operational B&B business, based in Naggar, Himachal. - Has 8 rooms, in a studio apartment set-up. - Each floor has a common kitchen with essential equipment. - Additionally, there is facility for a badminton court. - Occupancy is 100% during the summer - May to July. - The guest stays are usually like a month long. - The business has not been operational this year, because Himachal had floods and there were no tourists. - Has a B&B license.
Environment and pet-friendly B&B located in Naggar, Himachal Pradesh, seeking investment for expansion.
5.8   Naggar
Run Rate Sales
USD 14.3 thousand
Partial Stake Sale
USD 24 K for 20%
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Newly Established Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunity in Coco, Costa Rica

Seeks Investment: Luxury eco-glamping beach hotel located in Playas del Coco that having 3 bedrooms.
Guests can access the beach in a 1-minute walk. - They will also be able to enjoy holistic activities and spiritual retreats. - They will be able to attend the local night market within the same facilities and live music twice a week. - The place has fruit trees that attract monkeys and birds, making it perfect for appreciating nature in its habitat. - Currently, we get customers by listing on Airbnb for USD 100 per night but since we are remodelling they are not available. - The property has a house of 400 square meters which includes 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 study room, 1 living room, a kitchen, and a dining room, 4 studio-type safari glamping, 2 suites with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 glamping safari bar, and restaurant covering 70 sqm.
Seeks Investment: Luxury eco-glamping beach hotel located in Playas del Coco that having 3 bedrooms.
6.5   Coco
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 400 K for 10%
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Coffee Estate Investment Opportunity in Vanuatu

Company owning 100acres of Coffee plantation and producing 10 tonnes of coffee annually seeking equity investment.
Total Area under cultivation - 100 acres. - We have a total of 25 clients plus private clients as well. - We do both B2B and B2C sales. - The clients are typically located in Vanuatu. - We produce about 10 tonnes of coffee annualy. - The coffee we produce is completely organic. - The maximum seating capacity of the cafe is 30 and is open only once a week i. e on Saturday. - We serve only cakes and breakfast at our cafe.
Company owning 100acres of Coffee plantation and producing 10 tonnes of coffee annually seeking equity investment.
7.6   Vanuatu
Run Rate Sales
USD 390 thousand
80 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 270 K for 50%
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Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunity in Calangute, India

Hotel (2Villa - 4BHK) in Calangute North Goa having occupancy rate of 70%
The hospitality sector of Goa is growing dramatically. - Infrastructure like the new international airport in MOPA, 4-lane highways, and bridges are being set up in Goa. - Growth of 5% on a YOY basis. - Received approval from the Ministry of Tourism & other local authorities. - We receive around 15 bookings monthly.
Hotel (2Villa - 4BHK) in Calangute North Goa having occupancy rate of 70%
7.7   Calangute
Run Rate Sales
USD 90 thousand
0 - 10 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 540 K for 50%
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Bed & Breakfast Investment Opportunity in New Delhi, India

Bed and Breakfast business having 10 rooms in New Delhi, looking for investor for expansion.
We have 10 clients and we are growing @ 10% - We are in the business for the last five years. - Have total of 10 rooms.
Bed and Breakfast business having 10 rooms in New Delhi, looking for investor for expansion.
7   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 14.3 thousand
10 - 20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 30 K for 49%
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  • How many bed & breakfast investment opportunities are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 8 active and verified bed & breakfast investment opportunities listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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