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Automotive Accessories Company for Sale in Florence, Italy

50+ year-old Italian automotive manufacturing business specializing in industrial vehicle equipment design and implementation.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 50-60 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 5.5 million
Run Rate Sales USD 6 million
EBITDA Margin 6 %
Industries Automotive Accessories
Locations  Florence
Local Time 5:27 AM Europe / Rome
Listed By Advisor / Business Broker
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 5.5 million (Native Currency: EUR 5,000,000)
Reason: The owners want to exit the business due to personal reasons. No upfront or success fee will be cha... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 5.5 million
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Business Overview
- 50+ year-old Italian automotive manufacturing business based in Florence, specializing in the design and implementation of equipment for industrial vehicles.
- The company primarily focuses on producing fittings according to customer specifications.
- The manufacturing process begins with raw materials and involves constructing the structure, painting, and equipping with appropriate electrical and hydraulic systems, followed by internal testing with civil motorization.
- The main products include standard compositions like fittings with sides, caissons, ribs, and galvanized sheet metal for diverse activities and setups.
- The company boasts a diverse client portfolio, with over 660 clients across various product sectors.
- The company's portfolio of clients diversified by product sector demonstrates its ability to cater to a wide range of industry needs, indicating resilience and adaptability.
- There are 20 permanent employees who are sufficient to run the business operations. No additional contract/temporary employees are required.
Products & Services Overview
The main products include standard compositions, such as fittings with sides, caissons, ribs, and galvanized sheet metal for diverse activities and setups.
The company has a portfolio of 660 clients, diversified by product sector.
Assets Overview
The cash and cash equivalents for the last 3 years amounted to €1.193 million.
Own production plant of 20,000 sqm with all the necessary equipment and inventory.
Facilities Overview
Production plant of 20,000 sq m, situated near Florence in Central Italy, and it is 100% directly owned.
Capitalization Overview
3 years back, the company demonstrated solid financials.
The other details will be disclosed later.
Recent Activity
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