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Construction Materials Company for Sale in Port Said, Egypt

For sale: Business exporting building materials and chemicals to 20 countries located in Egypt.

Established 20-30 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 3.8 million
Run Rate Sales USD 4.1 million
EBITDA Margin 15 %
Industries Construction Materials + 1 more
Locations  Port Said
Local Time 6:59 AM Africa / Cairo
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1 million (Native Currency: USD 1,000,000)
Reason: The owner wants to retire.
Includes physical assets worth USD 500 thousand
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Business Overview
- We are exporters of building materials and chemicals.
- Export products to 20 countries out of which 95% are African countries.
- Export products on a contract basis.
- We are dealing with both verified suppliers and importers around the globe for specific products and work on export & trading solutions for our customers.
- Majority of our revenue is generated from the export of building materials.
- Business has 3 partners with one holding a 51% stake and the others holding the remaining stake.
- The business owns a farm as a part of the corporate's service to the environment.
- Last year the sales were affected due to restrictions on export as a result of the pandemic.
- The business is debt-free.
Products & Services Overview
Export and sale of building materials such as cement, gypsum, gypsum boards, and chemicals.
Assets Overview
The physical assets include a building, a farm of 26 fedans, and 2 shops. Intangible assets include website, domain, and brand.
Facilities Overview
A farm of 25 fedans, a building, and 2 shops. All are owned by the business.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
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