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Film Production Business Seeking Loan in Ahmedabad, India

Innovative film production house crafting compelling stories with cinematic brilliance seeks funds.

Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 8.3 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 8.6 thousand
EBITDA Margin 30 %
Industries Film Production
Locations  Ahmedabad
Local Time 10:33 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 6 thousand for 12.0% annual interest, 2 years (Native Currency: INR 500,000)
Reason: For the expansion of business by taking on more and bigger projects.
Collateral Available: USD 0
Includes physical assets worth USD 1.2 thousand
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Business Overview
1. Established film production house with a strong presence in Ahmedabad, known for crafting innovative stories with cinematic brilliance.
2. Offering a diverse range of products and services, including short films, music albums, web series, films, documentaries, and corporate films.
3. Committed to prioritizing innovation, compelling storytelling, and collaborative partnerships to produce high-quality cinematic experiences.
4. With a team of 3 dedicated employees, the company has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results.
5. Our work criteria emphasize creativity, excellence, and a commitment to bringing unique narratives to the screen, making us stand out in the competitive film industry.
6. Located in the vibrant city of Ahmedabad, the company has access to a wide pool of talent and resources, allowing for efficient and cost-effective production.
7. With a strong focus on both artistic and commercial success, the company has a solid business model and has garnered critical acclaim for its projects.
Products & Services Overview
Short films, music albums, web series, films, documentaries and corporate films.
Assets Overview
1 fully equipped post-production setup computer, gimbal and lights setup.
Facilities Overview
2,000 sq. ft. self-owned property in Ahmedabad with post-production equipment.
Capitalization Overview
Self-funded company and it has a single owner with complete shareholding.
There are no loans or any other debt in the company.
Recent Activity
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