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Mining Support Company Investment Opportunity in Tracy, United States

Lithium mining business in the exploration phase having taken rights with proper federal permissions.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity C Corporation
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Mining Support
Locations  Tracy
Local Time 11:48 PM America / Chicago
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 5.6 million for 13.0% stake (Native Currency: USD 5,600,000)
Reason: The owner is seeking Investment for 3 phases of the hydrogeological program spanning 24 months once ... View More
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Business Name
Not disclosed
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Business Overview
- Estimated valuation after exploration phase (2 years) 700%-1000%
- Promoter has 10-5 years experience in the mining industry.
- In talks with major Lithium companies for taking over after exploration.
- Complete blueprint for the further steps is ready.
- The business is ready to be operational.
- 33,000 acres of mining rights have been taken in the right Spot.
- Upper layer sampling, geotech study completed indicating resources beneath the ground.
- The exploration process will last for 24 months once commenced.
- 3 phases of hydrogeological exploration will take place.
Products & Services Overview
Exploration of Lithium through 3 phases of hydrogeological exploration.
Assets Overview
- Office.
- Vehicles.
- Computers.
- Scanned Printers.
Facilities Overview
The business has taken rights for land mining of 33,000 acres.
Capitalization Overview
- The business does not have loans, debts, or any other kind of liabilities as part of opening up its operations.
Recent Activity
  • Earlier than 15 days
    Analyst, Los Angeles, Private Equity Firm connected with the Business
  • Earlier than 15 days
    Independent Advisor, Chennai, Financial Consultant connected with the Business
  • Earlier than 15 days
    Founder, Frisco, Financial Consultant connected with the Business
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Contact Business
1 Investor contacted this Business this month. Register below to connect now!
Disclaimer: SMERGERS is a regulated marketplace for connecting business sell sides with investors, buyers, lenders and advisors. Neither SMERGERS represents nor guarantees that the information mentioned above is complete or correct.
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