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Newly Established Film Production Company Seeking Loan in Namakkal, India

Film production company focused on producing Movies around Vethathiri Maharishi's yoga philosophies. Movie is shooting-ready.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 0-1 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Film Production
Locations  Chennai + 1 more
Local Time 10:33 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 420 thousand for 12.0% annual interest, 2 years (Native Currency: INR 35,000,000)
Reason: We are producing own movie which is shooting ready & with all sales pitches worked out. Please conta... View More
Collateral Available: USD 420 thousand
Includes physical assets worth USD 120 thousand
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Business Overview
- Start-up company integrating Vethathiri Maharishi's yoga practices and meditation with modern technology for high-quality global films.
- Movie is ready for shooting now.
- Focus on movie theatrical release, OTT, and TV platforms to reach a global audience.
- The Chennai office is located at Valasaravakkam.
- The company possesses the necessary licenses including the incorporation certificate.
- We also have an office in Chennai & Namakkal.
- Once production starts we are expecting our run rate sales to be around INR 9 Crores with an EBITDA margin of 30%.
- Our other VFX company makes a yearly turnover of INR 5 Crores.
Products & Services Overview
Film production company focused on producing content involving Vethathiri Maharishi's yoga philosophies and meditation. Movie is ready for shooting now. Target audience is families and children.
Assets Overview
The main tangible asset is our own office property in Namakkal worth INR 75-80 lakhs. The rest of the tangible assets are made up of the interiors, production systems, and furniture in both offices.
Facilities Overview
We currently have 1 rented and 1 owned office facilities with the following details:
One office is in Valasaravakkam, Chennai with a total area of 1,300 sq ft on the ground floor. The rent paid is INR 30k per month.
Own office property is located in Kondappanaickenpatti, Namakkal and has an area of 1,000 sq ft.
Capitalization Overview
There are 10 shareholders in the company.
No outstanding loans or debts.
We have spent around 50 lakhs so far for pre-production and Movie is ready for shooting now.
Recent Activity
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