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Newly Established Residential Real Estate Construction Company Seeking Loan in Gniezno, Poland

Complex with parts: shopping mall. apartments, medical clinic, seeking for funds.

Established 0-1 year(s)
Employees < 2
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Residential Real Estate Construction
Locations  Gniezno
Local Time 7:02 AM Europe / Warsaw
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 20 million for 6.0% annual interest, 20 years (Native Currency: USD 20,000,000)
Reason: Seeking funds to procure and undertake a project of a residential complex with apartment buildings a... View More
Collateral Available: USD 20 million
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Business Overview
- Team of Medical doctors and Economists from Poland seeking to procure and complete the construction of a residential complex project in Gniezno, Poland.
- The project involves the construction of two apartment towers, each consisting of three floors, totaling 42 flats, in first 2 floors shopping mall and a medical facility.
- The construction of the complex was previously initiated by a different company but was abandoned due to funding constraints. The promoter is seeking to procure and complete the project.
- The project is estimated to take around one year to complete, offering a relatively quick turnaround on investment.
- Upon completion, the owner plans to rent out the shopping center spaces and apartments, while the medical facility will run by himself.
Products & Services Overview
Residential complex with two apartment towers, each consisting of three floors (3-5 floor), totaling 42 flats, in first 2 floors shopping center and a medical facility.
The shopping spaces will be rented out, while the flats will be available for rent and sell in future.
Assets Overview
It will be Star up so, on this moment no have any tangible and intangible assets. The building can be collateral to the loan and is's full value will be in moment of finishing renovation and starting bussines.
Facilities Overview
The residential complex is located in Gniezno, Poland. Built-up area is 15,000 sq m.
Yet to be acquired.
Capitalization Overview
Business is not yet registered and running and will be when financing will be granted.
No outstanding loans.
There will be 3 shareholders in the business.
Recent Activity
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