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Profitable Precision Components Company for Sale in Singapore

Manufacturer of metal, fabric and rubber expansion joints backed up specialized certifications and in-house IP.

Established 20-30 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 770 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 920 thousand
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Precision Components
Locations Singapore
Local Time 12:44 PM Asia / Singapore
Listed By Advisor / Business Broker
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 4.6 million (Native Currency: SGD 6,000,000)
Reason: Lack of succession planning. Business is listed by an advisor and they will not charge any fee from... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 3.7 million
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Company Profile
Business Overview
Company specializes in manufacturing metal expansion joints for MNC clients.
Clients are from O&G, marine and offshore, vessels, shipyards and petrochemical industries.
Due to challenges in recruiting labor in Singapore resulting from Covid-19, the vendor has implemented a downsizing strategy. Nevertheless, the company's most valuable assets lie in its intellectual property (i. e. certificates and software) and operational expertise, both of which can be smoothly transitioned to the buyer with a bigger platform.
In 2013, the target company was bestowed with the distinction of being the first manufacturer worldwide, outside Japan, to be accredited by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK Japan) for the production of Cryogenic Bellows Expansion Joints.
Company is ISO certified, OHSAS certified, owns a 35 WPS list of approved welding services, and obtained a Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Certificate.
Products & Services Overview
Metal expansion joints used by MNCs in O&G, marine and offshore, ship vessels and shipyards and petrochemical. Past clients include Shell, BP, Evonik, ExxonMobil, Keppel Offshore, and Schlumberger.
Assets Overview
In-house developed software that designs and adheres to the standards set forth by the European Sealing Association and Fluid Sealing Association.
WPS List of 35 Approved Welding Services.
Company that is ISO and Oshas certified.
U, UM, U2 Stamp accredited by ASME.
The founder is committed to staying with the purchaser for up to 2 years to aid with knowledge transfer.
Various machines, tools and equipment.
Facilities Overview
Fully-paid factory leased in Singapore, with 30 years more to go.
Capitalization Overview
Nil debt in the business and 1 founder with 100% stake in the business. Business has been bootstrapped since incorporation.
Recent Activity
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