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Small Film Production Business Seeking Loan in Kolkata, India

Post-production company that has completed 75+ projects and promotor having 24+ years experience seeks loan.

Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Reported Sales USD 7.2 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 7.2 thousand
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Film Production
Locations  Kolkata
Local Time 10:37 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 1.2 million for 10.0% annual interest, 10 years (Native Currency: INR 100,000,000)
Reason: The business is looking for a loan to buy a house for the studio. Currently, we are operating from l... View More
Collateral Available: USD 540 thousand
Includes physical assets worth USD 120 thousand
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Business Overview
- Post-production company offering dubbing and editing services looking to expand its business.
- We have completed 75+ projects of films, web series, game shows etc for Zee 5, Hoichoi, cinema halls, etc.
- The main line of revenue is from Bengali films and Bengali web series.
- We charge our customers on an hourly basis.
- Provided services to Venkatesh films, Zee 5 projects, and many other famous Bengali films.
- The promotor has 24+ years of experience in the film industry.
- 20-30 dubbing sessions take place in our studio on a monthly basis.
- We have employees in charge of dubbing, sound mixing and also editing.
- We are not able to generate profits yet since the pandemic, but the expansion of the business will greatly result in improving our revenue and profits.
Products & Services Overview
Film editing, dubbing, mixing, color correction, films and web series production etc.
Assets Overview
Completely established post-production studio having the best technology and equipment.
Facilities Overview
We are operating from a leased space of 3.5k sqft in lake gardens. The rent is INR 86k.
Capitalization Overview
The business has 3 partners. One of them is a sleeping partner and the other partners takes care of the operations.
No loan or any kind of liabilities in the business.
Recent Activity
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