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Women's Apparel Store for Sale in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Women online fashion business with 16,000+ active members and a retail store in PJ, Malaysia.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity General Partnership
Reported Sales USD 240 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 194 thousand
EBITDA Margin 25 %
Industries Women's Apparel Stores + 1 more
Locations  Petaling Jaya
Local Time 1:19 PM Asia / Kuala Lumpur
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 116 thousand (Native Currency: MYR 500,000)
Reason: The owner will take over her family business.
Includes physical assets worth USD 35 thousand
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Business Name
Not disclosed
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SSM Registration
Business Overview
- Business involved in retail of women's apparel.
- Established in the market for the last 6+ years.
- The official website has a database of more than 16000+ customers.
- Facebook Account with more than 58,000 fans.
- Instagram Account with more than 7,400 followers.
- Xiao Hong Shu Account with more than 2,800 fans.
- Has a good relationship with suppliers.
- In addition to our online sales, we have a retail store as well.
- Majority of our sales are from online platforms.
- Average orders per month are 500 and per bill value is MYR 158.
- The annual turnover was high last year because the country has reduced the in-store trying of clothes. So most of the customers have opted for online shopping, due to which there was a huge volume of online orders.
- There are 3 permanent employees who are sufficient to run the business. No additional contract employees are there.
Products & Services Overview
Our product categories include tops, bottoms, dresses, jumpsuits, accessories, shoes etc.
Top selling products are office & casual wear products.
Sales are both online website and our retail store.
Assets Overview
Brand value is estimated at MYR350,000.
The business has physical assets of MYR150,000 which includes the stock & furniture in the retail shop + warehouse.
New owner will take over:
-Current brand including IP rights & certification.
-Current & existing business.
-Current distribution channels.
-All supplier lists.
Facilities Overview
1 unit of retail shop & warehouse in Kota Damansara with built-up of around 1500sqf at rental RM2800 per month.
Capitalization Overview
-Initial capital was raised by both partners.
-There are 2 partners in this business - 50% each.
-There is no loan with this business.
Recent Activity
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