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Kent RO Systems 7.4 /10

1999 Estd  ·  2000 Distributors  ·  Noida HQ

All Formats
Format Investment including Brand Fee Brand Fee Space Staff Exp. Monthly Sales Profit Margin Royalty
Distributorship USD 0 - 3 thousand USD 3 thousand 0 - 100 Sq Ft 2 USD 900 20% We do not charge any royalty or commission.
Format Name Distributorship
Investment USD 0 - 3 thousand
Brand Fee USD 3 thousand
Space 0 - 100 Sq Ft
Staff 2
Expected Monthly Sales USD 900
Profit Margin 20%
Royalty / Commission We do not charge any royalty or commission.
About Kent RO Systems
- We are acknowledged as the leaders in RO water purifier category in India.
- The company pioneered in bringing the revolutionary Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology to India. Equipped with the vision for a healthier world and the technological expertise to come up with innovative solutions, the brand started its operations from Noida, India, in 1999, and has now become the largest manufacturer of water purifiers, in India.
- We provide the best margins and assistance to our distributions partners.
- The brand fee of INR 2.5 lakh includes materials of an equivalent amount. The distributors will receive products worth INR 2.5 lakh when the brand fee is paid.
- We do not charge any commission or royalty as distributors will be selling our branded products which indeed increases our overall sales.
- This opportunity is for distributors located in Southern region of Tamil Nadu.
- There is no absolute requirement of an office space as the work can be operated from home office itself, but GST number is needed.
Products and Services
We provide water purifier RO system, automatic water softener, commercial RO product sand filters and iron removers.
Preferred Locations
Madurai, Tirunelveli, Dindigul, Sivaganga, Thoothukudi, Ramanathapuram, Theni Allinagaram, Kanyakumari, Virudhunagar.
How to get Kent RO Systems Distributorship?
Distributors should have a GST number, we will meet in person and evaluate the partners.
What are some of the things we look for in a Distributor?
Distributors need to sell our branded products to customers.
Support you can expect from the company
We will assist and allocate executives to help with the sales. We will also provide all point of purchase marketing material and assist with other marketing activities.
Recent Activity
Profile Stats
  • 20+ introductions
  • 4000+ Page Views
  • 1000+ Investor Views

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Contact Kent RO Systems
One Time Registration
1 Investor made an offer to this Franchise. Register below to connect now!
Disclaimer: SMERGERS is a regulated marketplace for connecting business sell sides with investors, buyers, lenders and advisors. Neither SMERGERS represents nor guarantees that the information mentioned above is complete or correct.
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    • When was Kent RO Systems established?
      Kent RO Systems was established in 1999 in Noida and is reported to have 2000 Distributors currently
    • What is the investment required to take up Kent RO Systems Distributor?
      Investment required ranges from INR 0 - 2.5 lakh depending on the format offered.
    • What is the space requirement for taking up Kent RO Systems Distributor?
      Space required ranges from 0 - 100 sq ft depending on the format.
    • What Distributor formats does Kent RO Systems offer?
      Kent RO Systems offers 1 format, i.e Distributorship.
    • How to get Kent RO Systems Distributor?
      Distributors should have a GST number, we will meet in person and evaluate the partners.
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