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Your Spiritual Revolution LLP 9.3 /10

2021 Estd  ·  1 Distributor  ·  Mumbai HQ
This transaction has closed and is no longer available.
This Company is on a Premium Plan
All Formats
Format Investment including Brand Fee Brand Fee Space Staff Exp. Monthly Sales Profit Margin Royalty
Distributor USD 1.2 - 2.4 thousand USD 0 100 - 150 Sq Ft 2 USD 7.2 thousand 20% We will offer minimum 20% margin on our branded products to be distributed
Format Name Distributor
Investment USD 1.2 - 2.4 thousand
Brand Fee USD 0
Space 100 - 150 Sq Ft
Staff 2
Expected Monthly Sales USD 7.2 thousand
Profit Margin 20%
Royalty / Commission We will offer minimum 20% margin on our branded products to be distributed
About Your Spiritual Revolution LLP
- Your Spiritual Revolution LLP is a government-recognized startup.
- Started as an eMagazine publisher in 2007, Your Spiritual Revolution has established itself as a prominent brand for the wellness of mind, body, and soul.
- We are now growing as a supplier & exporter of premium & international quality semi-precious gemstones, rudraksha, spiritual and wellness products, home decor products, gemstone jewellery, and accessories along with offering integral healing services globally.
- Striving hard to offer the best quality products & services, Your Spiritual Revolution has got its roots strong with time and stands as a strong name in the industry.
- Our business is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Your Spiritual Revolution LLP, now intends to appoint distributors across the world.
- The distributor is expected to sell the products and can easily achieve INR 6 lakh as revenue with 20% margin the first 3-4 months and can increase there revenue to INR 12 lakh per month over the period of an year.
Products and Services
Semi-precious gemstones, home decor products for vastu, healing, and energy, healing gemstone jewellery, rudraksha products, religious products, spiritual products, healing candles, gemstone rakhis & bracelets, wellness products, distance healing services, distance healing courses etc.
Preferred Locations
Delhi, Chandigarh, Maharashtra, United States, United Kingdom, Punjab, Karnataka, West Bengal, Canada, Australia, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, United Arab Emirates, Assam, Kerala, New Zealand, Meghalaya.
How to get Your Spiritual Revolution LLP Distributorship?
Connect with us on SMERGERS and we will guide you through the process.
What are some of the things we look for in a Distributor?
The distributor can distribute our products using their netowrk to reatailers and resellers in their designated jurisdiction.
Support you can expect from the company
We will offer the following support.
- We will provide our products at discounted distributor rates with 20% margin.
- We will provide training for selling our products.
- We will help with the marketing collateral, and hyper local advertising.
Recent Activity
Profile Stats
  • 20+ introductions
  • 4000+ Page Views
  • 2000+ Investor Views

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