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Granite & Marble Business Investment Opportunities in Bangalore

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Granite & Marble Business Investment Opportunities in Bangalore. Invest in a Granite & Marble, Granite Quarry, Granite Mining or a Granite Factory Business.

  • Granite & Marble

  • Bangalore

  • Investment Opportunities


Granite & Marble Business Investment Opportunity in Bangalore, India

Full service turnkey natural stone contracting company based in Bangalore having 10 large corporate clients.
Company provides leading contracting services for natural stone. We process granite and marble. - We provide top quality service and customer satisfaction. - Have 3 to 4 vendors from whom we procure raw materials. - Have around 10 large corporate clients and have executed projects for L&T, Shapoorji Pallonji, Tata Group, Godrej and hotels like Leela Palace, Park Hyatt. - Our monthly processing capacity is 20,000 sq ft of stone. We are utilising 70%-80% of the capacity. - Now we need a partner to scale this business and make it one of India's top SME company. - Our assets include website, domain, machinery, equipment, license, and office equipment. - Promoter has more than 17 years of experience in this business.
Full service turnkey natural stone contracting company based in Bangalore having 10 large corporate clients.
7.4   Bangalore
Run Rate Sales
USD 186 thousand
20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 90 K for 50%
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Manufacturing & Trading Of Marble & Granite Opportunity in Bangalore, India

Manufacturers and traders of marble and granite products to Europe, Middle East and South-East Asia.
Manufacturing and trading of granite and marble products. - We have about 10 clients. - We export our products to various parts of Europe, Middle East and South East Asia. South-east Asia, Europe and Middle East. - Looking for investment for to take up few quarries on lease. - Our business achieved high growth in revenue because of the higher number of POs we received this year. - Our business is extremely valuable due to our large network and client base along with enormous potential for business expansion.
Manufacturers and traders of marble and granite products to Europe, Middle East and South-East Asia.
7.5   Bangalore
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.3 million
10 - 20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.2 Mn for 30%
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Manufacturing & Trading Of Marble & Granite Opportunity in Bangalore, India

Manufacturers and traders of marble and granite products to Europe, Middle East and South-East Asia.
Manufacturing and trading of granite and marble products. - We have about 10 clients. - We export our products to various parts of Europe, Middle East and South East Asia. South-east Asia, Europe and Middle East. - Looking for investment for to take up few quarries on lease. - Our business achieved high growth in revenue because of the higher number of POs we received this year. - Our business is extremely valuable due to our large network and client base along with enormous potential for business expansion.
Manufacturers and traders of marble and granite products to Europe, Middle East and South-East Asia.
7.5   Bangalore
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.3 million
10 - 20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.2 Mn for 30%
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  • How many granite & marble business investment opportunities in Bangalore are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified granite & marble business investment opportunities in Bangalore listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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