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Industrial Automation Business Investment Opportunities in Chennai

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Industrial Automation Business Investment Opportunities in Chennai. Invest in an Industrial Automation, Industrial Control System or a Factory Automation Business.

  • Industrial Automation

  • Chennai

  • Investment Opportunities


Industrial Design Company Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Engineering company with a European background and nine years of services require a partner/investor.
ISO 9001: 2015 certified Chennai based company industrial engineering, designing, and automation services. - Founded in 2013 and was a part of a Swedish organization for 6 years but is now 100% owned by the Indian founders. - Have orders in hand worth INR 50 million. - Have more than 30 clients at the moment. Major clients include GE, L&T, Valmet, FLSmidth, CNIM. - Completed over 150 projects till date. - Competent and multitalented team with international project experience, flexible and quickly scalable. - Highly experienced and self-driven management team with 70+ years of combined experience. - Unique competitive positioning with various differentiated working models complying with European quality requirements. - Cost-effective resources and multiple avenues to drive strong long term growth. Well established customer collaborations, which results in continued stable demand from existing customers. - Experienced in diversified business areas such as oil & gas, 3D digitization, power, process industry, civil & infrastructure. - Apart from 50 employees, we have over 20 contacting staff. - Have 3 partners with 43%, 43%, and 14% shares. - Company has loans of INR 24 lakh and 25 lakh in 2 banks and FD of INR 1 crore.
Engineering company with a European background and nine years of services require a partner/investor.
8.4   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 720 thousand
7 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 830 K for 50%
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Industrial Automation Company Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Well-established industrial automation solution business that has completed 320+ projects since inception.
We are an industrial automation solution supplier. - We have 24 years of experience and our expertise is in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, solar energy, boilers, water treatment, energy monitoring, material handling, and the CPG sector. - We offer delivery and commissioning services for panels, drive panels, MCC panels, and control panels. - Have a well-established client base with 20 recurring clients. One of our key clients is Amway Home. - On average each project takes us between 3 months to complete. - We have a network of more than 20 suppliers for all the required equipment and parts. - Since inception, we have completed 320+ projects. - We saw a drop in our revenue last year due to the lockdown and we could operate but we received projects following the lockdown and were able to resume operations. - The manufacturing is outsourced and as and when required the business hires part-time employees.
8.9   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.14 million
20 - 30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 360 K for 50%
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Industrial Automation Company Investment Opportunity in Chennai, India

Well-established industrial automation solution business that has completed 320+ projects since inception.
We are an industrial automation solution supplier. - We have 24 years of experience and our expertise is in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, solar energy, boilers, water treatment, energy monitoring, material handling, and the CPG sector. - We offer delivery and commissioning services for panels, drive panels, MCC panels, and control panels. - Have a well-established client base with 20 recurring clients. One of our key clients is Amway Home. - On average each project takes us between 3 months to complete. - We have a network of more than 20 suppliers for all the required equipment and parts. - Since inception, we have completed 320+ projects. - We saw a drop in our revenue last year due to the lockdown and we could operate but we received projects following the lockdown and were able to resume operations. - The manufacturing is outsourced and as and when required the business hires part-time employees.
8.9   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.14 million
20 - 30 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 360 K for 50%
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  • How many industrial automation business investment opportunities in Chennai are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 2 active and verified industrial automation business investment opportunities in Chennai listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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