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Jeans Manufacturing Businesses for Sale

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Jeans Manufacturing Businesses for Sale. Buy a Jeans Manufacturing Business.

  • Jeans Manufacturing

  • Businesses For Sale


Jeans Manufacturing Company for Sale in Kaunas, Lithuania

For Sale: Sports and active leisure clothing manufacturing business, having own real estate assets.
Fully active and profitable, nearly EUR 1 million revenue-generating sports and active leisure clothing manufacturing business with full know-how on how to operate it. ✓ A possibility to give an order of any production in order to be sure about production quality before. Buying the business. ✓ A possibility to buy and continue to operate the business with the current business strategy or adopt the new business owner's strategy. ✓ Possibility to buy additional real estate for additional business space that will be needed for a new owner's business vision and aims. ✓ Because the business is located in one of the most attractive parts of Kaunas City, the real estate value has regularly grown by 7-17 % during the last three years because of limited supply on the market, for sure the value will continue to grow. ✓ The asking price is really low compared to if somebody would like to create such a business from scratch. ✓ Full “know-how” from the current business owner.
For Sale: Sports and active leisure clothing manufacturing business, having own real estate assets.
8.3   Kaunas
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.25 million
8 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.1 Mn
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Jeans Manufacturing Business for Sale in Puebla, Mexico

For Sale: Denim garment company with 25,000 pieces per week production capacity.
Company specializing in cutting, sewing, laundry, finishing, packing, and selling denim garments for clients. - We are working with 4 clients and 6 different brands. - Company is SMETA and social compliance certified. - Production team with more than 30 years of experience and knowledge. - Production capacity is 25,000 pieces of denim a week. - The company has no liability. - Business has a sole director.
For Sale: Denim garment company with 25,000 pieces per week production capacity.
8.4   Puebla
Run Rate Sales
USD 3.7 million
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 5.1 Mn
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Jeans Manufacturing Business for Sale in Patna, India

For sale: Jeans manufacturing business planning to sell all its machinery.
A garment manufacturing business based in Patna, Bihar that started operations in 2014. - The business has not been operational since the last 2 years. - When operational we were contract manufacturers for 4 companies. - We manufactured jeans, and have all the required machinery for the same. - Machinery include - Single needle-10, Bartack machine-01, Belts machine-01, button punching -01, iron set with boiler-01, looping machine-01,4 thread machine-01, cutting table and cutting machine-01, generator-0. - Sale would include entire business and machinery.
6.2   Patna
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 12 K
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Jeans Manufacturing Business for Sale in Patna, India

For sale: Jeans manufacturing business planning to sell all its machinery.
A garment manufacturing business based in Patna, Bihar that started operations in 2014. - The business has not been operational since the last 2 years. - When operational we were contract manufacturers for 4 companies. - We manufactured jeans, and have all the required machinery for the same. - Machinery include - Single needle-10, Bartack machine-01, Belts machine-01, button punching -01, iron set with boiler-01, looping machine-01,4 thread machine-01, cutting table and cutting machine-01, generator-0. - Sale would include entire business and machinery.
6.2   Patna
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 12 K
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  • How many jeans manufacturing businesses for sale are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 3 active and verified jeans manufacturing businesses for sale listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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