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Medical Equipment Wholesale Businesses for Sale

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Medical Equipment Wholesale Businesses for Sale. Buy a Medical Equipment Wholesale Business.

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Medical Equipment Wholesale Company for Sale in Chennai, India

20-year-old medical equipment and e-commerce business with a strong supplier network.
Chennai-based business involved in supplying medical imaging systems to hospitals and clinics. - In addition to sales, the business offers maintenance services and caters to approximately 500 customers annually for servicing needs. - The product range includes various medical equipment and consumables, with top-selling products such as digital X-ray machines, X-ray machines, and mammography units. - The business caters to hospitals, nursing homes, and diagnostic centers, providing a wide array of products from face masks to digital X-ray machines. - The business partners with top brands such as LG Health, Hitachi, and Sanrad, indicating a strong network and product portfolio. - Buyer will get the legal entity, customer base, existing relationships with suppliers, existing contracts, and product inventory. - With 20 years of operation, the business has a dedicated and experienced staff, including a specialized team for servicing the machines it sells.
9.4   Chennai
Run Rate Sales
USD 1 million
15 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.06 Mn
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Profitable Medical Equipment Wholesale Business for Sale in Tumkur, India

For Sale: Established pharmaceuticals distributor with high revenue and robust distribution network.
Well-established pharmaceuticals distributor located in Tumkur, Karnataka. - Our high revenue is generated from our market share in the whole of Tumkur and also due to our reach in other cities in Karnataka like Hasan, Arsikere, and Bangalore. - We sell to 20 wholesalers, 200 retailers, and 50 hospitals and clinics. - We source our products from 50-70 different brands. - Proprietor has a drug and FSSAI license. - Our order value ranges from INR 10,000 to INR 100,000. - We are rated as one of the top medical distribution companies in Tumkur.
For Sale: Established pharmaceuticals distributor with high revenue and robust distribution network.
6.5   Tumkur
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.43 million
40 %
Business for Sale
USD 420 K
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Medical Equipment Wholesale Business for Sale in New Delhi, India

For Sale: Company supplying medical equipment to 8-10 government hospitals.
We are registered on the GEM portal of the government. - Have been successfully supplying all hospital goods and medical equipment to all govt hospitals. - Around 8 vendors supply the products to us. - We are into medical supplies wholesale. We do not require many employees. - The promoter has over 5 years of experience in this industry.
6.3   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 143 thousand
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 95 K
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Medical Equipment Wholesale Business for Sale in New Delhi, India

For Sale: Company supplying medical equipment to 8-10 government hospitals.
We are registered on the GEM portal of the government. - Have been successfully supplying all hospital goods and medical equipment to all govt hospitals. - Around 8 vendors supply the products to us. - We are into medical supplies wholesale. We do not require many employees. - The promoter has over 5 years of experience in this industry.
6.3   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 143 thousand
10 %
Business for Sale
USD 95 K
Contact Business

Medical Equipment Wholesale Company for Sale in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai-based pharmaceutical distributor with privately owned trademark and held agencies operating for 38 years.
Trademarks - Re-occurring revenue of registered and well-known trademarks with a wide network of 3rd party distributors and huge potential for growth. - Held Agencies: Re-occurring revenue of 2 internationally held agencies of well-established products in the pharmaceutical retail market. Reach: Long-term and repeat customers (over 700 retail accounts) - Operational efficiency: Existing employees with vast experience in the pharmaceutical retail sector. - The company includes a licensed drugstore, equipment, vehicles, and all other necessary facilities needed to run daily operations. - We have third-party manufacturing. The products are manufactured under our own brand name. - In total, we have 50+ SKUs of consumer healthcare products and devices. - We have both B2B and B2C operations. - B2B operations generate 90% of our revenue.
Dubai-based pharmaceutical distributor with privately owned trademark and held agencies operating for 38 years.
8.3   Dubai
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.63 million
30 %
Business for Sale
USD 1.36 Mn
Contact Business

Medical Equipment Wholesale Business for Sale in Thoothukudi, India

For Sale: Company manufacturing surgical masks for the general public under its own brand name.
Our company manufactures and supplies surgical and disposable face masks under our own proprietary brand name. - We purchase raw materials from Reliance. There is no explicit contract with them. - Our company sells the product to 3 companies and two distributors. The distributors further sells and distributes them to different pharmacies and supermarkets across Tamil Nadu, Bangalore and Hyderabad. We do not possess a contract with either of them. There is no other direct clientele barring a few companies and the two distributors. - The manufacturing unit has a capacity to produce over 1.5 lakh masks per day. However, we currently use around 70 percent of the full production capacity. - This transaction includes the entire business entity, physical assets, trademarks and rights to the brand name, ISO certificate and export licenses.
For Sale: Company manufacturing surgical masks for the general public under its own brand name.
7.8   Thoothukudi
Run Rate Sales
USD 72 thousand
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 120 K
Contact Business

Medical Equipment Wholesale Business for Sale in New Delhi, India

Importer, exporter, distributor and retailer of medical equipment and surgical instruments.
We are a wholesale cum retail, surgical supply and medical equipment company. - Have been operational for more than 60 years and we have always maintained profitability. - We import products directly from three companies and also have tie ups with dealers for some products. - The products are sold in Delhi, in North India or pan India depending on the product. - We have tied up with most major corporate hospitals in India to sell our products and also have an online website for sales. - Our website attracts excellent traffic and has a Domain Authority (DA) of 16. - Around 70% of our revenue is generated from offline sales and the rest is through online sales. - Business is family run and the owner is a second generation proprietor with around 32 years of experience.
8.9   New Delhi
Run Rate Sales
USD 2 million
25 %
Business for Sale
USD 6 Mn
Contact Business

Medical Equipment Wholesale Business for Sale in Kolkata, India

Company importing and selling Color Doppler and Fuji CR equipment having a stable recurring revenue stream.
We import and sell medical equipment and devices to healthcare institutions. - Company imports and sells equipment such as Color Doppler, Fuji CR equipment and full auto biochemistry analyser. - We are also into servicing of the equipment that we sell. - Have over 250 clients which mostly include medical institutions and diagnostic centers. - Company also has recurring clients and gets about INR 5.5 crore of recurring sales every year. - We only sell our products in West Bengal and have 2 major vendors from whom we source products.
6.6   Kolkata
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.3 million
12 %
Business for Sale
USD 830 K
Contact Business
  • How many medical equipment wholesale businesses for sale are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 7 active and verified medical equipment wholesale businesses for sale listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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