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Mobile App Investment Opportunities in Lewes

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Mobile App Investment Opportunities in Lewes. Invest in a Mobile App or a Phone App.

  • Mobile Apps

  • Lewes

  • Investment Opportunities


Crypto Startup Investment Opportunity in Spain

Fintech firm creating gamified mini apps with crypto integration.
A fintech startup with high growth potential. - Our project manager has over 10 years of experience in leading tech and eCommerce projects, and has successfully managed multiple large-scale digital initiatives. - Our marketer has a proven track record in digital marketing and user acquisition, having previously launched two successful mini apps, with one of them having 500,000 users and the another one with 150,000 users. - Our development team is composed of seasoned professionals with a combined experience of over 15 years in software development, specializing in both front-end and back-end technologies. - We seek investments to develop new mini game app based on crypto with projected profits of $1,200,000 per year in the next 9-12 months. - Our operations are 100% online. - Projected net margins at 80%+ (EBITDA). - Our new product will have a prototype in 2 months and will be launched in 3 months.
Fintech firm creating gamified mini apps with crypto integration.
8   Lewes
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 55 K for 30%
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Spiritual & Psychic Services Company Investment Opportunity in Lewes, United States

Mosque prayer broadcasting startup in Pre-seed fundraising stage seeks an investor for 3% equity stake.
Company has developed an electronic system to connect mosques with mobile apps to listen to the prayers and spiritually connect with other worshippers. - We plan to install this system in 80% of mosques in Islamic countries over the next 10 years. - Revenue model: Build contracts with governments through B2G marketing. We will negotiate contracts with the local government and municipality to set up and maintain the system. The end consumer will not be charged to access the broadcasts. - We target to obtain contracts worth USD 5 million by the first year and up to USD 30 million in five years. - Our initial target countries include nations with the most number of mosques such as Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Turkey, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. - The mobile applications have been developed in-house and are in the trial phase. - Promoter is a lawyer with over 5 years of experience. - Business is registered in Delaware and approved to raise capital through Fastercapital. com. - The business is registered in Delaware, but the owner is in Africa and they will travel back and forth for business.
8.1   Lewes
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 20 K for 4%
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Mobile App Investment Opportunity in Lewes, United States

Building a mobile app to cater to 3 industries i. e. delivery, carpooling and services.
The founder of the company runs an advertising & marketing firm based out of Abu Dhabi and is looking to raise investment for a new company registered in Delaware, USA. This new company will be a mobile app-based online marketplace. The app will cover 3 main segments described below: Segment 1: Delivery - The user can book an individual delivery executive or a delivery company for sending couriers, gifts or any other items. Segment 2: Carpooling - In this segment, individual car owners can offer to ride sharing / carpooling services to working professionals going in the same direction. Segment 3: Services - In this segment, the user can order food from restaurants and also book handyman services. The mobile app is being developed by our advertising firm's in-house team in Abu Dhabi. It will be launched on both iOS and Android. Our revenue model will be a small fixed commission charge. We currently do not own any physical assets under our new company. Since our new company is registered in the US, the investor will receive a stake percentage in the US entity only and not in our Abu Dhabi based advertising firm. We currently do not have any physical presence in the US. However, after raising funds, we would set up an office & team there and start onboarding users and partners on the app. After launching in the US, we would also launch services in Canada, UK, UAE, Malaysia, and Indonesia. I have already acquired trade licenses in each of these countries. We would also set up offices in each country to onboard users and partners. Once the company is launched globally, the US will be our head office and Canada, UK, UAE, Malaysia, and Indonesia will be branch offices. All our 3 app-based services will be offered in each country by onboarding users and partners from each country.
7.4   Lewes
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 540 K for 40%
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Mobile App Investment Opportunity in Lewes, United States

Building a mobile app to cater to 3 industries i. e. delivery, carpooling and services.
The founder of the company runs an advertising & marketing firm based out of Abu Dhabi and is looking to raise investment for a new company registered in Delaware, USA. This new company will be a mobile app-based online marketplace. The app will cover 3 main segments described below: Segment 1: Delivery - The user can book an individual delivery executive or a delivery company for sending couriers, gifts or any other items. Segment 2: Carpooling - In this segment, individual car owners can offer to ride sharing / carpooling services to working professionals going in the same direction. Segment 3: Services - In this segment, the user can order food from restaurants and also book handyman services. The mobile app is being developed by our advertising firm's in-house team in Abu Dhabi. It will be launched on both iOS and Android. Our revenue model will be a small fixed commission charge. We currently do not own any physical assets under our new company. Since our new company is registered in the US, the investor will receive a stake percentage in the US entity only and not in our Abu Dhabi based advertising firm. We currently do not have any physical presence in the US. However, after raising funds, we would set up an office & team there and start onboarding users and partners on the app. After launching in the US, we would also launch services in Canada, UK, UAE, Malaysia, and Indonesia. I have already acquired trade licenses in each of these countries. We would also set up offices in each country to onboard users and partners. Once the company is launched globally, the US will be our head office and Canada, UK, UAE, Malaysia, and Indonesia will be branch offices. All our 3 app-based services will be offered in each country by onboarding users and partners from each country.
7.4   Lewes
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 540 K for 40%
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Online Marketplace Company Investment Opportunity in Delaware, United States

Online Ticket booking platform for movies, sports & entertainment, seeking funds for completing development work.
Our company is incorporated in Delaware, US, and has its private limited subsidiary incorporated on 6th Sept 2018 at Bangalore, India. Company is into development of a e-commerce portal. We are developing an online platform and a mobile app that will cater to online movie & entertainment ticketing services. The solution will be developed for both B2B and B2C segments. For B2C segment, users can book tickets for different movies and events through our platform. All the events and movies will be listed by our registered partners on the platform. Company will receive commission for each booking that is processed through our platform. For B2B, we would provide our platform to event producers and distributors to list upcoming events on our platform, and they would be able to run analytics and get insights regarding the activity that is happening for a particular event. One of our partner is based in United States. We are planning to simultaneously release the platform to users both in India and US. Promoters have more than 15 years of experience in Software development.
7.1   Delaware
Run Rate Sales
Partial Stake Sale
USD 180 K for 25%
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  • How many mobile app investment opportunities in Lewes are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 4 active and verified mobile app investment opportunities in Lewes listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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