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Mobile Apps for Sale in Hyderabad

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Mobile Apps for Sale in Hyderabad. Buy a Mobile App or a Phone App.

  • Mobile Apps

  • Hyderabad

  • Businesses For Sale


Mobile App for Sale in Hyderabad, India

For-sale: Mobile app with 100,000+ downloads, offers custom invitations with various templates and repeat orders.
Over 100,000 downloads on the Play Store. - Trending within 5 days of upload. - High customer satisfaction. - Repeat orders from customers. - Sales dropped this year due to payment gateway issues and website issues. - Key features: invitation maker with various templates for birthdays and weddings tailored according to customers' choice. - The business has 2 developers and 2 other staff to manage the traffic and develop templates.
7.5   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 7.2 thousand
10 - 20 %
Business for Sale
USD 95 K
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Sports Facility for Sale in Hyderabad, India

Sports app with 600+ users and 16 featured sports looking for sale.
• Sports app with 600+ users. • Platform allows users to post content through pictures, videos, and text. • Ground vendors can list their grounds and manage the slots to get bookings from our users. • 16 sports featured from popular sports to emerging sports. • Users can manage scores of their personal games and display them as real-time live scores. • Generates stats for 16 sports in one account. • Over 600+ users with 15% growth in users every month. • 8% growth per month for ground listing with over 20+ grounds listed.
6.4   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 72 K
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Digital Classes Mobile App for Sale in Hyderabad, India

Company providing Digital classes for competitive Exams through mobile application.
The company has created 100 hours of animation classes on Reasoning, Aptitude, C language, Vedic mathematics and English Grammar in different languages. - We also have a mobile application available for our users for easy accessibility. - The buyer of the company will have further access for the sale of this software which has the potential of favourable revenue generation. - The app has a high security feature for their mobile application enabling just a single window usage, traceable through the IMEI number of the device. - The buyer will have admin access to the application and website which is completely user friendly. There is no need technical Knowledge for operating the website, we will also provide 1-year support. - Target market includes students preparing for various entrance exams, campus recruitment exams, competitive exams etc. - We sell all classes through the Mobile app with secured payments from students directly linked to bank account.
7.5   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 93 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business for Sale
USD 72 K
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Digital Classes Mobile App for Sale in Hyderabad, India

Company providing Digital classes for competitive Exams through mobile application.
The company has created 100 hours of animation classes on Reasoning, Aptitude, C language, Vedic mathematics and English Grammar in different languages. - We also have a mobile application available for our users for easy accessibility. - The buyer of the company will have further access for the sale of this software which has the potential of favourable revenue generation. - The app has a high security feature for their mobile application enabling just a single window usage, traceable through the IMEI number of the device. - The buyer will have admin access to the application and website which is completely user friendly. There is no need technical Knowledge for operating the website, we will also provide 1-year support. - Target market includes students preparing for various entrance exams, campus recruitment exams, competitive exams etc. - We sell all classes through the Mobile app with secured payments from students directly linked to bank account.
7.5   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 93 thousand
30 - 40 %
Business for Sale
USD 72 K
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Social Network Website for Sale in Hyderabad, India

For Sale: An application similar to Instagram with fitness as a niche having 350 downloads.
Free mobile fitness application with social media aspects incorporated in it. - There are training videos, diet tips and plans on the application, which registered users can gain access to. - Users can follow, send messages and photos as well to each other. - There are 2 certified trainers who upload these training videos, and create the diet plans. - Currently have 350 downloads from around the world. - Versions of this App is available on Google Playstore, iOS, blackberry and Kindle. - Revenue model: can generate income via multiple platforms like YouTube, WordPress, AdMob and can run private franchise ads also.
For Sale: An application similar to Instagram with fitness as a niche having 350 downloads.
6.9   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
Business for Sale
USD 80 K
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  • How many mobile apps for sale in Hyderabad are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 4 active and verified mobile apps for sale in Hyderabad listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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