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Real Estate Agency Investment Opportunities in Kuta

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Real Estate Agency Investment Opportunities in Kuta. Invest in a Real Estate Agency or a Real Estate Brokerage Firm.

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  • Kuta

  • Investment Opportunities


Real Estate Agency Investment Opportunity in Kuta, Indonesia

Real estate agency specializing in residential projects and 320 apartments constructed shifting focus to Bali.
A dynamic and experienced real estate agency specializing in real estate ventures throughout Asia. With a remarkable track record spanning over 20 years, we have recently made significant investments in establishing new offices, which will be fully operational within the next three weeks. - Our primary focus is to cater to international investors seeking exceptional opportunities in Bali Island's real estate market. - We offer a comprehensive range of services, including the sale of houses, apartments, land, and construction projects. - We have constructed 320 apartments and 48 villas in Thailand. - We collaborate with engineers and architects for our projects. - Expertise in the sale and construction of residential properties. - Our extensive database already boasts over 2,000 investors, and we are eager to expand our reach rapidly within Bali. - Our ultimate vision is to become the leading real estate agency in Bali, setting new standards of excellence in the industry. - One of the key factors behind our success is our innovative approach to marketing and sales structures. We have consistently demonstrated our ability to deliver outstanding results, thanks to our proven strategies and expertise gained from previous experiences. - We are excited to have the opportunity to meet with investors in person and share our vision, strategies, and business plan. We believe that face-to-face discussions will allow us to explore potential synergies and forge a fruitful partnership.
Real estate agency specializing in residential projects and 320 apartments constructed shifting focus to Bali.
6   Kuta
Run Rate Sales
USD 350 thousand
14 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 76 K for 20%
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Real Estate Agency Investment Opportunity in Kuta, Indonesia

Real estate agency specializing in residential projects and 320 apartments constructed shifting focus to Bali.
A dynamic and experienced real estate agency specializing in real estate ventures throughout Asia. With a remarkable track record spanning over 20 years, we have recently made significant investments in establishing new offices, which will be fully operational within the next three weeks. - Our primary focus is to cater to international investors seeking exceptional opportunities in Bali Island's real estate market. - We offer a comprehensive range of services, including the sale of houses, apartments, land, and construction projects. - We have constructed 320 apartments and 48 villas in Thailand. - We collaborate with engineers and architects for our projects. - Expertise in the sale and construction of residential properties. - Our extensive database already boasts over 2,000 investors, and we are eager to expand our reach rapidly within Bali. - Our ultimate vision is to become the leading real estate agency in Bali, setting new standards of excellence in the industry. - One of the key factors behind our success is our innovative approach to marketing and sales structures. We have consistently demonstrated our ability to deliver outstanding results, thanks to our proven strategies and expertise gained from previous experiences. - We are excited to have the opportunity to meet with investors in person and share our vision, strategies, and business plan. We believe that face-to-face discussions will allow us to explore potential synergies and forge a fruitful partnership.
Real estate agency specializing in residential projects and 320 apartments constructed shifting focus to Bali.
6   Kuta
Run Rate Sales
USD 350 thousand
14 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 76 K for 20%
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