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Truck Rental Business Investment Opportunities

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Truck Rental Business Investment Opportunities. Invest in a Truck Rental Business.

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Truck Rental Business Investment Opportunity in Thennampalayam, India

Truck rental business in Thennampalayam, with diverse client base of 15 companies, facilitating 200 rentals/month.
Truck rental services business, located in Thennampalayam. - Has own fleet of 6 mini trucks and the heavy trucks are outsourced. - The business has a diverse client base of 15 companies from various industries, including F&B, garments, textile, manufacturing, and industrial sectors, across Tamil Nadu. - The company facilitates approximately 200 rentals per month, indicating a consistent demand for its services. - Rental charges depend on the location and nature of the consignment. - The business is GST registered.
Truck rental business in Thennampalayam, with diverse client base of 15 companies, facilitating 200 rentals/month.
6.6   Thennampalayam
Run Rate Sales
USD 143 thousand
20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 24 K for 2%
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Profitable Truck Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Montreal, Canada

Established Montreal rental car and truck business, 14 years in operation, 12,000 customers, seeking investment.
A rental car and truck company that has been operating for 14 years in Montreal, with a customer base of over 12,000. - The company has three offices in Montreal and a fleet of more than 1,200 cars and trucks, serving a mix of corporate and individual customers. - The customer base is predominantly corporate, accounting for 70% of the business, with the remaining 30% being individual customers. - The company offers both short-term and long-term rental contracts. Short-term contracts, lasting less than 6 months, while long-term contracts, spanning from 6 months to over 1 year,. - Charges are priced daily, weekly, or monthly based on the duration of the contract. - The business utilizes dynamic pricing strategies, adjusting prices in real time based on demand to optimize revenue. - Efficient fleet management is a key operational focus for the company, ensuring the availability and maintenance of its extensive fleet. - The business has implemented loyalty programs aimed at increasing customer retention and lifetime value. - There are 7 permanent employees, who are sufficient to run the business operations, no additional contract staff are required.
7.5   Montreal
Run Rate Sales
USD 6.6 million
24 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 3 Mn for 20%
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Truck Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh

Web & app based end-to-end logistics & visibility platform powered by IOT & AI.
Customer: have more than 3,000 registered B2C users on the platform, we have been enlisted with 30 corporate companies like- DHL, Expeditors, GE Power, SQURE, PRAN RFL. Haier Bangladesh, Service provider: there are 200 logistics partners on the platform. - Trucks: 2,000 trucks registered on our platform. - Revenue: (1) Cost-plus from B2B customers. (2) Commission from B2C customers. - Award: We got Basis National Award in Supply chain Logistics. - Media: We were covered in TV & Newspaper.
8.1   Dhaka Division
Run Rate Sales
USD 126 thousand
10 - 20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 25 K for 10%
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Truck Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh

Web & app based end-to-end logistics & visibility platform powered by IOT & AI.
Customer: have more than 3,000 registered B2C users on the platform, we have been enlisted with 30 corporate companies like- DHL, Expeditors, GE Power, SQURE, PRAN RFL. Haier Bangladesh, Service provider: there are 200 logistics partners on the platform. - Trucks: 2,000 trucks registered on our platform. - Revenue: (1) Cost-plus from B2B customers. (2) Commission from B2C customers. - Award: We got Basis National Award in Supply chain Logistics. - Media: We were covered in TV & Newspaper.
8.1   Dhaka Division
Run Rate Sales
USD 126 thousand
10 - 20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 25 K for 10%
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Truck Rental Company Investment Opportunity in Hyderabad, India

Company engaged in rental of buses and trucks is looking for an equity partnership.
We are a buses and trucks rental company, we used to buy buses from defaulters and will renovate and will give buses for lease for 1 to 5 years respectively, - As of now we have 20+ buses and 20 trucks which we own and also have taken few on lease. - On average we complete 160 trips per month. - Our primary focus is on the commercial sector, one of our key client is Asian Paints. - We want to expand our business up to 500+ fleet.
Company engaged in rental of buses and trucks is looking for an equity partnership.
7.5   Hyderabad
Run Rate Sales
USD 1.43 million
20 %
Partial Stake Sale
USD 240 K for 15%
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  • How many truck rental business investment opportunities are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 4 active and verified truck rental business investment opportunities listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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