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Business Strategic Investors in Jakarta

Showing 1 - 14 of 396 Business Strategic Investors in Jakarta. Buy or Sell your Business in Jakarta.

  • Jakarta

  • Corporate Investor / Buyer

CEO, Investment Into Diverse Businesses

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: We are interested in specialist agriculture, land development opportunities, and coconut based manufactured products. We are seeking businesses with strong management that embody the values of honesty, integrity and thrift as we look to expand our portfolio.
Background: Our focus is on identifying and executing strategic investments and acquisitions in selected fields that can change in response to economic circumstances perceived every year into the future 5 year periods. We are looking for opportunities to expand. I have an active Malaysian number.
8.6 / 10
Jakarta + 5 more
Agriculture Wholesale + 7 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3.04 Mn
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Director, Holding - Technology

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: Strong growth and technology-based business in the Indonesia area.
Background: I am the director of a technology company. A company that provides software, computer hardware and robotic automation solutions. With my background in corporate fund management and experience in active investment and acquisition of businesses, I am well-suited to identify and act on potential opportunities. I strive to stay ahead of the competition and leverage our products to meet the needs of our customers.
8.9 / 10
Jakarta + 44 more
Agriculture Wholesale + 50 more
Investment Size
USD 31 K - 310 K
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Business Consultant & Advisor, Trading

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: We look at company management team, goals and objectives, success rate and goals achieved, market reach and plans, revenue, quality of services or products offered.
Background: We are well-known around the world for the high quality of our agricultural products, real estate ideas and initiatives, and experience in the pharmaceutical industry. We have been dedicated to providing unmatched products and services at reasonable rates. Our objective is to become a market leader in supplying high-quality products while also developing client relationships based on mutual trust, transparency, and reliability. This is made possible through our premium network of very qualified and trustworthy producers in different parts of the globe. With our team's significant knowledge and successful contacts in numerous industries, Jaya Abadi Group uses our own physical and derivatives trading tactics as the best base for the flow of natural resources, while also achieving amazing financial achievements.
8.3 / 10
Jakarta + 214 more
Advertising Agencies + 161 more
Investment Size
USD 500 K - 40 Mn
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Business Consultant & Advisor, Trading

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: We look at company management team, goals and objectives, success rate and goals achieved, market reach and plans, revenue, quality of services or products offered.
Background: We are well-known around the world for the high quality of our agricultural products, real estate ideas and initiatives, and experience in the pharmaceutical industry. We have been dedicated to providing unmatched products and services at reasonable rates. Our objective is to become a market leader in supplying high-quality products while also developing client relationships based on mutual trust, transparency, and reliability. This is made possible through our premium network of very qualified and trustworthy producers in different parts of the globe. With our team's significant knowledge and successful contacts in numerous industries, Jaya Abadi Group uses our own physical and derivatives trading tactics as the best base for the flow of natural resources, while also achieving amazing financial achievements.
8.3 / 10
Jakarta + 214 more
Advertising Agencies + 161 more
Investment Size
USD 500 K - 40 Mn
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Interests: We are interested in businesses related to branding and design, digital marketing, event management, and media. The businesses we are searching for must be operational, scalable, and have a customer base.
Background: We are a media firm based in Jakarta. Our firm is actively looking for opportunities to expand our operations. We have a deep understanding of the media industry and we are excited to explore new possibilities that could help our business grow.
8.1 / 10
Jakarta + 2 more
Advertising Agencies + 10 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 100 K
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Owner/Director, Sports Equipment Trading

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: Interested in technology, retail, fintech businesses. We look for businesses with strong market demand, effective marketing and sales strategies, skilled teams, and a viable exit strategy.
Background: Over 20 years of experience in sports retail trading and financial services technology in Indonesia and Singapore. Postgraduate degree from Singapore Management University.
9 / 10
Jakarta + 7 more
Advertising Agencies + 18 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 124 K
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Interests: - Resilience, growth, asset creation, niche market, and simple processes. - The companies must have a solid business model with prospects of longevity even if Covid reduced business this 2021.
Background: We are a company (listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange) with a need to look to invest in companies that have an enthusiastic founder (s) with value systems that encompass the virtues of honesty and thrift with personnel (men and women) that have been with you from the early years and are still with you. We can invest for purposes of the following needs: A. Expansion capital. B. Facilitating exit for a shareholder (not the founder) C. To take out a problematic term creditors/Lenders. I am the director/CEO with a professional background (Australian Chartered Accountant) that has started and managed companies/projects in many fields like bulk seaport, multipurpose river port, oil & gas service companies, steel fabrication, manufacturing, and mining. The company is HQ in Jakarta but also has a branch office in Malaysia. I am currently in Malaysia.
8.6 / 10
Jakarta + 10 more
Agriculture Wholesale + 21 more
Investment Size
USD 660 K - 3.3 Mn
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Interests: We are interested in small and medium-sized companies that want to grow with a stable income that has a clear vision and mission going forward and a solid team.
Background: We are an investment company. We are seeking opportunities in businesses to scale up our current operation. We are also interested in startups with innovative ideas.
8.6 / 10
Jakarta + 7 more
Advertising Agencies + 15 more
Investment Size
USD 33 K - 1.32 Mn
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Interests: - Business prospect, accountability & profitability. - Market size and demand VS scalability. - Industry expertise VS resources. - The business should be in Indonesia, as the locations of Indonesia are close by.
Background: We are a prominent IT retailer in greater Jakarta and would like to diversify into the solutions and services industry including the F&B business.
8.3 / 10
Jakarta + 2 more
Cafes + 12 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 460 K
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Interests: > Launched products or services with clients and revenue. > Underperforming assets.
Background: I am a serial entrepreneur. I help business growth through acquisitions and investment capital. Since I run a boutique investment bank I have a good network in Southeast Asia.
7.2 / 10
Jakarta + 6 more
Advertising Agencies + 17 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 1 Mn
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CFO, Investor’s Equities Acquisition

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: Stable long terms be able to control the upper hands of the company for a win win situation in further development of any business or products.
Background: We are group of investors that’s has over 25 years in different fields including but not limited to investment, management, financing, Development.
7.8 / 10
Jakarta + 3 more
Biodiesel + 7 more
Investment Size
USD 62 K - 3.1 Mn
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Owner, Digital Marketing & Skin Care

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: I want to understand the business potential and future opportunities. Seeking an expansion.
Background: I am quite active in the IT space. Graduated from MIT and worked for a long time in international consulting companies, helping businesses grow and expand very fast. Have over 10 years of experience in the IT space.
7 / 10
Jakarta + 9 more
Aquaculture + 19 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 6.4 Mn
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Interests: Information related to profit, EBITDA, asset, revenue, and market segmentation will be checked.
Background: We are a newly registered investments firm focused only on SME businesses.
7.7 / 10
Jakarta + 8 more
Asset Management + 23 more
Investment Size
USD 650 - 1.3 Mn
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Interests: Looking for companies to acquire or invest in, with products that are in line with cloud infrastructure, SaaS, and web hosting. We can hire new team in a new country.
Background: I run a games and IT infrastructure company in Indonesia. We are looking for expansion.
7.4 / 10
Jakarta + 13 more
Advertising Agencies + 20 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 3.84 Mn
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Business Development, Information Technology

Corporate Acquirer in Jakarta, Indonesia

Interests: I am interested in investing in technology companies, particularly in IT services, distribution, and manufacturing, located in Bekasi, Indonesia. I am looking for growing industries and established businesses to support and grow their operations.
Background: We are an IT company based in Indonesia. We are looking for options to further expand our operations and would like to connect with potential businesses for the same.
7.2 / 10
Jakarta + 5 more
Adhesive + 16 more
Investment Size
Upto USD 22.4 Mn
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  • How many business strategic investors in Jakarta are listed on SMERGERS?
    There are 396 active and verified business strategic investors in Jakarta listed on SMERGERS as of 01 September 2024.
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