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Cleaning Supplies Company for Sale in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Personal care and household care manufacturing company with ISO and GMP certifications, 120+ product lines.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 20-30 year(s)
Employees 50 - 100
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 2 - 3 million
Run Rate Sales USD 2.4 million
EBITDA Margin 30 - 40 %
Industries Cleaning Supplies + 1 more
Locations  Colombo
Local Time 1:17 PM Australia / Melbourne
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 12 million (Native Currency: USD 12,000,000)
Reason: Family migration to Australia. The valuation is based on our goodwill, business connections and asse... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 9 million
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Business Overview
- Personal and home care brand with a comprehensive manufacturing facility offering over 120 product lines.
- Diverse product portfolio including beauty soap and categories covering hair, face, and body care.
- Wide range of household care products, including laundry soap, dish wash, hand wash, and various liquid detergents.
- Products distributed through more than 10,000 outlets, encompassing all major supermarket chains.
- International market presence with exports to continents such as Asia, Africa, and Australia.
- Contract manufacturing partnerships with top global brands.
- Fully certified with ISO and GMP, among other essential standards.
- Established and widely recognized brand names, both locally and internationally.
- Production capacity up to $1.5 million USD.
- Holds necessary licenses including incorporation, ISO 9001, and GMP certifications.
- Promoters possess 20 years of industry experience.
- Client portfolio includes major corporations like Godrej India.
- Portfolio includes 6 owned brands and partnerships with 20+ other brands.
- Contract manufacturing contributes 25% of total revenue.
- Own brands generate 65% of sales through retail and wholesale channels.
Products & Services Overview
Personal care and cleaning supplies manufacturing company with 6+ brands.
Primarily B2B operations.
Assets Overview
All brand names, machinery, current ongoing business.
Land of 121 perches and factory infrastructure.
Facilities Overview
Fully equipped factory floor, office area, R&D facility, warehouse facility for finished goods, RM & PM.
100% owned by the company.
Located in central Colombo.
Capitalization Overview
Currently funded by local banks which is less than USD 1M.
Only two share holders and its within the family.
Recent Activity
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