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Clinic for Sale in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Multi multi-disciplinary clinic receiving 30 patients daily seeks investment.

Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Reported Sales USD 327 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 1.3 million
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Clinics
Locations  Dubai
Local Time 5:40 AM Europe / Paris
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1.14 million (Native Currency: AED 4,200,000)
Reason: Partners are no longer in Dubai and looking to divest.
Includes physical assets worth USD 436 thousand
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DHA Approval
Business Overview
- Located in JVC, ground floor with a good marketing place, a lot of residential and we have the only chiropractors in the area, especially female.
- We changed from an aesthetic clinic to a Polyclinic last year but only restarted as a Polyclinic this year.
- The service price ranges from AED 100 (laser service) and goes up to 30,000 (implant services).
- We do possess medical license (DHA license).
- Growth has been good, we are getting a 10-15% revenue increase every month.
- We receive around 30 patients daily.
Products & Services Overview
Dental / chiropractic/physiotherapy/laser therapy/orthopedist surgeon / general doctor/nurse.
Assets Overview
2 dental chairs, 3D scans for dental, physio equipment, chiropractic benches, all computers, laser hair removal machine just new worth AED 400,000.
Facilities Overview
The clinic is located in the center of the city on a 1,900 square feet area with an annual rent of AED 269,000.
Capitalization Overview
- single-owned business.
- No debts or liabilities.
Recent Activity
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