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Construction Supplies Business for Sale in Brisbane, Australia

For sale: Unique pioneering patented steel cleat connectors for residential housing global markets, engineers certification.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Other
Reported Sales Nil
Run Rate Sales Nil
EBITDA Margin Nil
Industries Fabricated Metal Products + 1 more
Locations  Brisbane
Local Time 2:55 PM Australia / Brisbane
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 52 million (Native Currency: AUD 80,000,000)
Reason: - The company owner, believing that a manufacturer can optimize utilization, desires to sell design ... View More
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Business Overview
- Forecast worldwide profit $250m p/a within 2 years up to $2billion p/a within 7-10 years.
- We hold ISO 9001 accreditation and engineers certification.
- An efficient solution to builders wanting to attach timber or steel beams to steel tube columns.
- Our product catalogue accommodates diverse types and configurations, including:
Timber Beam Cleats: 2-way inline, 3-way intermediate, corner, and top cleats.
Top Plate Cleats: 2-way inline, 3-way intermediate, and corner cleats.
PFC Beam Cleats: 2-way inline, 3-way intermediate, and corner cleats.
RHS Beam Cleats: 2-way inline, 3-way intermediate, and corner cleats.
Bracing Rod Cleats: Single, corner, 1-way double-sided, and 2-way double-sided.
Steel Angle Cleats: 2-way single-sided, 2-way double-sided, 1-way double-sided, 3-way single-sided, and 3-way double.
- Low cost fabricator secured if required.
- Need only to market & sell worldwide. .
Products & Services Overview
- Specializing in galvanized steel cleat connectors suitable for both timber and steel beams.
- Offering a range of connectors, including timber beam, PFC and RHS beam connectors, threaded rod bracing connectors, bearer support connectors, and steel angle brace connectors.
- Various fixing options are available, such as 12g series 500 teks, M12 or M16 bolts, or 5mm CFW welds.
- Our clients are primarily within the residential housing construction industry.
- Builders appreciate the ease, simplicity of use and cost savings.
-The company owner, believing that a manufacturer can optimize utilization better, has not yet sold the products in the open market but is about tobsoon.
- Get a chance to purchase these new and unique PCT patents to maximize your investment prior to these products being launched on the market.
Assets Overview
Intangible assets include:
- Global patent portfolio.
- Comprehensive collection of 3D and 2D drawings.
- Availability of STEP files.
- Possession of engineering certifications.
- Marketing and sales brochures.
- An official company website.
- Documentation of proof load reports.
- Low cost fabricator on board.
- Fabrication costs and profit per item known.
- Trademarked Logo.
Facilities Overview
Leased service office.
Built-up area- 200 sq metres.
Lease $250/month.
Capitalization Overview
- All expenses related to patents and sample manufacturing have been fully covered by the company owner.
- The company has zero outstanding debts.
- The ownership of the company is held entirely by a single shareholder who is the company owner, with a 100% ownership stake.
Recent Activity
  • Earlier than 15 days
    Director, Mumbai, M&A Advisor connected with the Business
  • Earlier than 15 days
    Founder, New York, M&A Advisor connected with the Business
  • Earlier than 15 days
    Business Representative, London, Business Broker connected with the Business
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Disclaimer: SMERGERS is a regulated marketplace for connecting business sell sides with investors, buyers, lenders and advisors. Neither SMERGERS represents nor guarantees that the information mentioned above is complete or correct.
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