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Electrical Vehicles Company Investment Opportunity in Bangalore, India

Company building India’s first grounds-up electric light commercial vehicle for mid-mile logistics seeks investment.
This transaction has concluded.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 2 - 5
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 480 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 360 thousand
EBITDA Margin 3 %
Industries Electrical Vehicles
Locations  Bangalore
Local Time 8:39 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Advisor / Business Broker
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 1.67 million for 13.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 140,000,000)
Reason: - Sourcing parts, testing, salaries and operational overheads. - Business is listed by an advisor a... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 3.6 thousand
Business Overview
- Company aims to revolutionize the Indian EV industry by accelerating its electrification.
- Company works with truck fleet operators & owners by supplying electric trucks and providing support for charging, financing, insurance, and fleet asset management to make their transition to electric seamless.
- The Indian light commercial vehicle (LCV / N1 category) market is growing at a healthy pace due to increasing urbanization in India and the consequent growth of e-commerce and cargo movement demand in large urban areas.
- Currently about 500,000 LCVs (~5B USD TAM) are sold in India annually and this number is expected to reach 1 million (~10B USD TAM) in the next 8 years resulting in a large market size with strong growth potential.
- Business model: Sell/lease eLCVs to fleet owners in partnership with vehicle financing companies or asset leasing companies.
- Company partners with financing companies, insurance companies, charge point operators, distributors and service network providers to provide holistic after-sale support and charging services for the eLCVs.
- Have deployed 25 eLCVs with logistics companies and 3PLs in Bengaluru, India to date.
- Cumulative revenue for the latest financial year was $500,000 and consisted of eLCV sales and recurring revenue from eLCV maintenance and operations.
- Company aims to deploy 1,000+ ELCVs in 2 years and 10,000+ eLCVs in 3 years in multiple Indian cities.
- Business has no liability and has 3 directors.
Products & Services Overview
Electric light commercial vehicle for mid-mile logistics with features such as:
System alerts.
Battery health.
Trip management.
Driver management.
Servicing & maintenance.
Prescheduled servicing.
Roadside assistance.
Re-scheduling in case of breakdown.
Secure OTA framework.
Keyless entry.
Assets Overview
Office set-up with some basic office equipment like laptops and printers.
Facilities Overview
Have a small rented office space with some basic office equipment like laptops, and printers.
Capitalization Overview
By founders and investors.
No loans, no debt.
Two founder and two investors.
80% owned by the owners n 10% with the investors.
Recent Activity
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