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Kitchen Appliances Business Investment Opportunity in Bangalore, India

Wholesale Kitchen appliance business having 2 retail outlets in Indira Nagar and on Infantry Road, Bangalore.

Established 40-50 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity General Partnership
Reported Sales USD 840 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 860 thousand
EBITDA Margin 10 %
Industries Kitchen Appliances
Locations  Bangalore
Local Time 8:10 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Partial Stake Sale
USD 7.2 million for 25.0% stake (Native Currency: INR 600,000,000)
Reason: To establish own online store and to create our own warehousing and manufacturing facility in Bangal... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 3.6 million
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Business Overview
- We are operating since 1978 and current second generation promoter has more than 20 years of experience in this company.
- We have 2 retail outlets. One in Indira Nagar and other on Infantry Road. Both are strategically located to attract customers.
- The products we deal in are LPG stoves and non stick appliances.
- Companies whose products we are deal in are Pigeon, Gilma, Akai, Whirlpool and other premium kitchen appliance brands.
- In the year 2015 we were the second highest seller of LPG stoves and non stick appliance throughout India. We were recognized for our efforts and received an award in Paris.
- We offer premium kitchen appliance solutions such as gas cook tops, chimneys, dish washer, stoves and hobs among others.
- Have more than 90 pan India wholesalers and our focus is primarily on the wholesale business.
Products & Services Overview
Trader of LPG stoves, Non Stick, Pressure Cookers, LPG Hose pipes, Hobs, Dish Washer, Chimneys and other products.
Facilities Overview
We have 2 own showrooms and trading outlet. One is on Infantry Road, Bangalore which is about 2,500 sq ft and other in Indira Nagar which is about 450 sq ft. At both these locations we retail and wholesale all OMCs in Karnataka.
Capitalization Overview
Not Disclosed
Recent Activity
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