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Laptops and Desktops Company Seeking Loan in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Authorized distributor of Lenovo products supplying to 230+ clients seeks a loan.

Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 510 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 1 million
EBITDA Margin 15 %
Industries Laptops and Desktops
Locations  Colombo
Local Time 10:30 AM Asia / Colombo
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 167 thousand for 30.0% annual interest, 3 years (Native Currency: LKR 50,000,000)
Reason: To fund additional imports of computers.
Collateral Available: USD 0
Includes physical assets worth USD 67 thousand
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Business Overview
- Supplying to 230+ dealers & customers in Sri Lanka.
- We deal with leading technology products.
- The fore-casted growth in terms of revenue is 30%.
- We are expecting to launch more products.
- Our mission is to be a reliable supplier of Information technology products and services through omni-channel.
- Since the economic conditions of the country have improved our revenue has also improved significantly compared to last year.
- Since it is a distributorship business, we do not require many employees. We use inventory management software to keep track of the inventory.
Products & Services Overview
Lenovo authorized distributor (notebooks/desktops/ servers/CCTV / printers).
Assets Overview
The stock of desktops PC / laptops worth LKR 12 million, company car, bikes, and office furniture.
Facilities Overview
Our office is located in the center of the city on a 1,200 sqft area with a monthly rent of LKR 165,000.
Capitalization Overview
- Business is funded by own funds.
- The company has 2 directors with 70% and 30% shareholding.
- We have bank facilities for LKR 20 million and supplier credit up to LKR 20 million.
Recent Activity
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