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Nursing Home Seeking Loan in Kolkata, India

Seeking loan: Old-age home that can accommodate up to 25 boarders, with 16 boarders currently.

Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 20.3 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 36 thousand
EBITDA Margin 25 %
Industries Nursing Homes
Locations  Kolkata
Local Time 9:07 AM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Management Member
Status Moderately Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 30 thousand for 12.0% annual interest, 6 years (Native Currency: INR 2,500,000)
Reason: Aiming to secure funds for both business growth and transitioning to a company-owned facility.
Collateral Available: USD 0
Includes physical assets worth USD 12 thousand
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Business Overview
- Old age home caters to physically challenged and elderly individuals.
- Currently, there are 25 boarders, and the service is experiencing significant growth due to its emergence in society.
- The promoter has over 5 years of experience and is committed to this venture as a social responsibility.
- Two package options available:
1. Monthly rental for physically challenged individuals at ₹16,000/month plus a deposit of ₹60,000.
2. Lifetime basis package for ₹10 lakhs, covering a 12-year period.
- Maximum can accommodate up to 25 boarders, with 16 residents currently.
- Medical care is readily available with 2 required doctors on staff, and the owner is a qualified doctor as well.
Products & Services Overview
Old age home with residence and healthcare support. Clients are senior citizens and physically challenged.
Assets Overview
- Business equipped with all necessary licenses and permits.
- Fully staffed with a ready workforce.
- Complete set of furniture and electrical equipment.
- State-of-the-art computer systems in place.
- Comprehensive CCTV camera system installed for security.
Facilities Overview
- A three-story building with a garden for lease.
- The available space measures 2,000 square feet.
- The monthly lease amount for this space is ₹20,000.
Capitalization Overview
- Sole proprietorship structure employed.
- Self-funding strategy in operation.
- Absence of any business loans.
Recent Activity
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