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Profitable Household Products Business Seeking Loan in Bangalore, India

Manufacturing disposable household products with a mineral water distribution plant.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 5 - 10
Legal Entity Sole Proprietorship/Sole Trader
Reported Sales USD 43 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 43 thousand
EBITDA Margin 50 %
Industries Bottled Water + 1 more
Locations  Bangalore
Local Time 3:06 PM Asia / Kolkata
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Seeking Loan
USD 24 thousand for 12.0% annual interest, 4 years (Native Currency: INR 2,000,000)
Reason: We need this loan for purchasing a go-down, add machines. Our raw material is seasonally available a... View More
Collateral Available: USD 18 thousand
Includes physical assets worth USD 18 thousand
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User Verification
GST Certificate
Udyam Aadhaar
Business Overview
- Established manufacturing company that produces disposable, eco-friendly and chemical free plates. We also do mineral water bottle distribution. The revenue split between the two is 50-50.
- Our main clients are supermarkets and retail stores. We have 100+ customers.
- Our products are also used by hotels, caterers, and for weddings and other occasions.
- We also sell to top brands like Supreme Solar Projects, Athen Enterprises, Bhawani Plastics, Udupi Express.
- Our production capacity is 25,000-30,000 pieces per week with 100% utilization.
- We source our raw materials from rural areas in Karnataka.
Products & Services Overview
Manufacturing household disposable products and.
Mineral water distribution with own water bottle plant.
Assets Overview
Our assets include the production unit and 4 machines of 6 dies each.
Facilities Overview
Owned production unit of 2,000 sq ft built up area, located in Magadi Kuligal Taluk.
Capitalization Overview
The business is funded by the sole-proprietor and has no current outstanding loans No shareholders at present.
Recent Activity
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Disclaimer: SMERGERS is a regulated marketplace for connecting business sell sides with investors, buyers, lenders and advisors. Neither SMERGERS represents nor guarantees that the information mentioned above is complete or correct.
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