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Interior Design & Architecture for Sale in Jakarta, Indonesia

Studio for Sale: Over 8 Years of Expertise in Architecture, Interior Design, and Furniture Craftsmanship.

Established 5-10 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity Private Limited Company
Reported Sales USD 200 - 300 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 270 thousand
EBITDA Margin 10 - 20 %
Industries Interior Design & Architecture
Locations  Jakarta
Local Time 12:27 PM Asia / Jakarta
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 480 thousand (Native Currency: IDR 7,500,000,000)
Reason: The owner needs to start fresh with improved calculations, refined business models, and diverse reve... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 58 thousand
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Business Overview
Our team of industry experts has designed over 100 projects, showcasing vast potential for growth.
Based in Jakarta and Tangerang, Indonesia, we specialize in architecture, interior design, and furniture craftsmanship. With over 5 years of experience in interior design and construction projects, and more than 15 years of craftsmanship expertise in our workshop and on building sites, we handle a diverse portfolio ranging from small to medium-scale projects, including retail, commercial, residential, and office spaces. Our mission is to create meaningful, unique, and affordable spaces for everyone. We proudly received an award from the Ministry of Tourism (Indonesia) for the Homestay Design Competition. Additionally, the Asia-Europe Foundation Singapore granted us a travel scholarship to participate in the Cultural Exchange Mobility First! event at the Oslo Architecture Triennale in Norway.
Recognized for our creative space designs, the Institute für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA) from Germany awarded us a fellowship for the CrossCultural Programme. This fellowship allowed us to collaborate with Kunstrepublik/Center for Arts and Urbanistics in Berlin, Germany, enhancing our expertise in international public art and architecture.
Our workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia, is recognized among the top 4% of professionals on arsitag. com, a leading architecture and interior design marketplace in Indonesia.
Products & Services Overview
Top-Selling Products:
Our top-selling products include comprehensive architecture design and build services, as well as custom furniture craftsmanship.
Target Audience:
Our services cater to a diverse clientele aged between 27 and 60 years old, primarily from middle to upper-class backgrounds. Our clients value quality, uniqueness, and the expertise we bring to each project.
Sales Channels:
We secure projects through competitive bidding on leading architecture platforms and marketplaces. Additionally, a significant portion of our business comes from client referrals, reflecting the high level of satisfaction and trust we have built over the years.
How: through bidding projects at architecture platform and marketplace, client referrals.
Assets Overview
-Housing inventory.
-Land assets.
-Workshop equipment.
-Expertise and experience of the business owner.
-Business network.
Facilities Overview
We have rented a workshop space for the past 5 years, which also houses our office. This integrated setup allows us to efficiently manage both our design and production processes under one roof.
Capitalization Overview
The business has IDR 2.5 billion in debt (a combination of profit-sharing investors and bank loans) due to mismanagement. With assets totaling IDR 1.3 billion, we cannot fully repay the debt. To stabilize and operate efficiently under new management and a new investor.
Recent Activity
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