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Profitable Yarn Goods Company for Sale in Tainan City, Taiwan

Leading innovator in weaving and coating single yarns, with features like fire retardancy, anti-bacterial properties.
This Business is on a Premium Plan
Established 1-5 year(s)
Employees 10 - 50
Legal Entity S Corporation
Reported Sales USD 94 thousand
Run Rate Sales USD 1.13 million
EBITDA Margin 40 %
Industries Yarn Goods
Locations  Tainan City
Local Time 11:40 AM Asia / Taipei
Listed By Business Owner / Director
Status Active
Overall Rating
Full Sale
Asking Price: USD 1.25 million (Native Currency: TWD 40,000,000)
Reason: - Our development teams have worked tirelessly to bring our dream to fruition. - With the groundwor... View More
Includes physical assets worth USD 940 thousand
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Business Overview
- We are the Industrial Leader for Weaving and specialize in coating single yarn.
- Our product offerings encompass a wide range of features, including functionality, such as fire retardancy, high tensile strength, anti-bacterial properties, air-filtration capabilities, insect repellency, and color matching options.
- Limited global manufacturers possess the capability to produce PVC-coated fiberglass yarn for dipping applications.
- We have received numerous inquiries from worldwide customers expressing interest in our products.
- The primary market demand is concentrated in Australia, the USA, and Japan.
- Our ongoing operations involve manufacturing technology and machinery.
- We have experienced high growth this year, because we shifted our office to Taiwan from China.
- We outsource a majority of our work, hence we manage to generate this revenue with the current number of employees.
Products & Services Overview
- Specializing in PVC coated fiberglass yarns used in various applications, including window shades, solar screens, woven fabrics, marine flooring, and woven flooring tiles.
- Catering primarily to clients in the outdoor furniture and textile industries.
Assets Overview
Assets include:
Coating machinery, automatic winding machines, intellectual property rights, and patented inventions.
Facilities Overview
- Our headquarters are located in Tainan, occupying a spacious 6,000 square feet office.
- Manufacturing operations take place in China, covering an extensive area of over 30,000 square feet.
- It's important to note that our land facility is not included in the transaction.
Capitalization Overview
- The business is completely self-funded.
- The business has a sole owner with 100% shareholding.
Recent Activity
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