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Vruksha International School Of Montessori 9.6 /10

2010 Estd  ·  25 Franchisees  ·  Chennai HQ
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All Formats
Format Investment including Brand Fee Brand Fee Space Staff Exp. Monthly Sales Profit Margin Royalty
Vruksha International School Of Montessori - Franchise USD 42 - 54 thousand USD 42 thousand 2,000 - 4,000 Sq Ft 4 USD 2.4 thousand 25% 70% ownership in the school after 3rd year of operations.
Format Name Vruksha International School Of Montessori - Franchise
Investment USD 42 - 54 thousand
Brand Fee USD 42 thousand
Space 2,000 - 4,000 Sq Ft
Staff 4
Expected Monthly Sales USD 2.4 thousand
Profit Margin 25%
Royalty / Commission 70% ownership in the school after 3rd year of operations.
About Vruksha International School Of Montessori
Vruksha International School of Montessori is a pioneer in India providing "Authentic" Montessori education up to 12th standard. Establishing training centers since 1998 and schools since 2010, today we stand with 3 training centers and 26 schools - 17 Primary, 8 Elementary and a Secondary School (one of its kind international center for adolescent study and work) across 10 cities in Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry, thus touching 3,000+ students, transforming 300+ teachers & 1,000+ parents. One will also notice that our members have the experience of being mentored by renowned Montessori personalities.
With over 25 years of Montessori experience & a noble mission of taking Montessori to children/teachers/parents, we have specialized ourselves for the Indian roots, developing academic modules incorporating Indian values. Also having sustained Montessori schools in upcountry regions, we have developed methodologies to teach Montessori in local languages, an inevitable need that has helped us connect to the hearts of the community. We have also established Montessori models for the deeply remote villages & tribal communities.
Our schools are well received by parents and public, for they find us very unique among all other schools, which translates to a minimum of 40 inquiries/month/school. There lies a comfort of beginning our schools with less investment, as it grows in stages. With a vision to establish 3,000 schools PAN India by 2030, we invite partners to join us while we build the school, establish it and give the option of owning/transferring it, which becomes a good investment bringing good profits, immense satisfaction and growth that passes through generations.
Products and Services
- Montessori Primary Program (Age Birth - 6)
- Montessori Elementary Program (Age 6 - 12)
- Montessori Secondary Program (Age 12-18)
- Montessori Worldwide School for the homeschooling audience (especially in this pandemic)
- Montessori Cognitive Sports.
- Montessori Art Synthesized Academics.
- Montessori-Powered Competitive Exams preparations.
- Study Abroad Programs with International Montessori Community.
- App to assist Montessori teachers, parents to follow child’s scientific development.
Preferred Locations
How to get Vruksha International School Of Montessori Franchise?
Connect with us on SMERGERS and we will guide you through the process.
What are some of the things we look for in a Franchisee?
We expect our partners to:
- Own the holistic development of every child enrolled with the school leveraging our support.
- Protect the children and the school maintaining the quality and standards established by Vruksha Schools.
- Give access to BOOT (Build Own Operate Transfer) the school with the start-up capital.
- Ensure timely progressive Montessori training for staff/administrators every year.
- Adopt Montessori philosophy in daily life, foster human values and bring change to the society.
Support you can expect from the company
We would follow a build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) model as against a franchise model. The partner would have to invest the initial amount at first year. We would establish the school by identifying and renting the property and operate it for the first 3 years. We would hire and train (non) teaching staffs, provide best practices for marketing and business. After 3 years, we would transfer the school to the partner who will continue to run the operations with 70% of profits from 3rd year.
Recent Activity
Profile Stats
  • 2000+ Page Views
  • 800+ Investor Views

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